I NEVER REALLY KNEW HOW MUCH STRESS REALLY AFFECTED THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT... i have learned so much from this module. its amazing we dont have more heart attacks , deaths because of everyone juggling their personal relationships and professional relatiionships. its interesting to note that over half of the workdays in the united states are missed because of stress,i know one good thing that will definitely help me in the future is making a stess list. identifying some issues will help me to prioritize and deal with them effectively.
I know, it is crazy to think about how much stress one deals with on a daily basis!! I know in my life right now I am dealing with many things that have or are causing me stress. I have always been a person that makes lists of things I need to do, and I kind of combine that with a stress list. It really helps me to know what is going on in my day and helps me visually see what I need to accomplish. Takes a little stress off myself.
I have a ton of stress between work and home, I often try to relate to the students in this way and go back to my own college education and also share things with them that i have gone through so that my students know that i am a real person and i do too understand things they are going through, i manage my time by reminders via desktop at work and iphone...I also write notes because i want to be accountable and follow up on things when i say i am going to...people think i am high strung but they respect me because i am reliable and follow up on things when i say i will
I ran a school from 1994 to just 4 years ago. I knew I was understress but figured that was normal. Then it started affecting my health. I went to teaching and now I take stress very seriously.
Carole, Sounds like you pushed yourself a little too hard before. It's good to hear you've slowed down a bit and are focusing more on you. Four years is a long time to be so stressed.
Dr. Melissa Read