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Cell phone access in the classroom

Tell me how you feel about allowing students in the learning environment to have their cell phones on as opposed to powered down?

Hi Sue,
I strongly oppose to having cell phones on in the learning environment. Can employees have their cell phones on in the work environment? Most companies have a no cell phone policy during work hours.

I believe cell phones should be powered down, while in class. If you allow them to have their cell phones on, it is teaching them that it is ok to have them at work. Most work forces have a no cell phone policy during work hours. Plus with technology advances it makes cheating easier, with the use of the cell phone.

Cell phones should be off during class, they are there in class to learn. Not only are they learning the course material, but also how to function in the "real world". If a student comes to me before class and they have a legitamate need for there phone that class I will allow it.

Hi Brian,
We have a no-cell-phone policy at my institution. If there is a legitimate need for there phone, I have the student leave their phone up front with the receptionsit, an the receptionist will take the call and come get the student.

Cell phones are definitely a distraction in the classroom and the workforce. I wish their was a contract for students to sign for no cell phones in class.

My school has an official "no cell phones in the classroom" policy, but many instructors here do not enforce the policy. I do. When a student in my classroom is seen using a cell phone (talking, texting, surfing, etc.), they are given an immediate verbal warning. If the student uses the cell phone again, the student is written up and sent home. Cell phone use in the classroom is disrespectful and very distracting for others.

Hi David,
That's right! Most jobs will not tolerate employees on their cell phone talking, texting, surfing, etc. Administration needs to deal with those instructors who are not enforcing policy.

Cell phones and their use is not allowed in the class. They are a major distraction from classwork and a distraction to their classmates. They are to be turned off and not even on vibrate (as vibrate frequently makes noise). A student who is "caught" using a cell phone in class must surrender the phone for the rest of the (five-hour) class period or leave the class and have that time period counted as an unexcused absence. The five-hour class period has adequate breaks for students to check messages or attend to personal business.

Our students are in class for over 6 hours. Most of my students have children. I allow them to keep their cell phones on vibrate. If they receive a call they have to leave the class. The cell phones are to be kept out of sight, in pockets or book bag.

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