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Interacting with students

Why is it important to have interaction with every student?

Interaction with students builds trust and rapport. To have interaction with every student demonstrates that you are not playing favorites. Interacting lets you get to know your students better, and knowing them better enables you, as teacher, the opportunity to assist them appropriate to their needs.

Agree with Kay. Could not have said it better myself.

Student interaction is important to show each student you care about them as an individual and appreciate their want to learn.

Interaction builds trust and lets your student(s) know you care. Sometimes that is all you need to establish a rappor with a student. When I started teaching on my campus I became known as one of the hardest teachers on campus. I set expectations and did not back down from them. The expectatations were not too high, they just raised the bar slightly higher than the current ones on campus. Since first coming on campus almost 4 years ago, I have had numerous students come back and tell me that I made them realize why they really came to college.

to help them understand you care about them and want them to learn

Every student is important and needs to feel that they are equally so. Some students need to feel invited to participate. They do not always feel they are part of the classroom as a whole.

It is very important to make sure each student not only feels they are part of the class, but that they are as equally important with what they bring to the classroom environment as all the others are.

I feel that having an interaction with each student makes them feel part of the group. I have had some students that don't say a word in the first few classes, but by the end of the term they are feeling comfortable enough that they are engaging in conversations with the whole class. I try to convey the feeling of being part of a team or family.

For some students the decision to return to school may have been a difficult one. They may be insecure, been out of school for a long time, shy etc. By taking time to personally get to know these students you will build respect and rapport with the students. They will trust you and get a feeling that you are truly vested in their success.


Interaction with every student makes each student feel you are interested in their educational progress and in them a person. I attempt to know of importance about each of my student within the first two weeks of school (ex: what type of job they do, are they parents, what is their aspirations, how long is their commmute). I try to connect. I also try to have the students connect with each other. When they know who each other is they show respect toward them in the classroom.

Every student made the consious decision to be a part of the learning environment that is your classroom. Some students may have different motivations than others, and that is fine - in fact, it is often useful if you know the motivations. Either way, the student has made an effort to be a part of the class and having a positive interaction with the instructor can be a huge additional motivator. This additional motivation becomes added to their other motivators, and the cumulitive result is very positive and encourages learning in the best of ways.

every student has enrolled in school to further their education and it is my responsibility to make sure they receive the best learning opportunity possible. Knowing their wants and desires for the course will improve my presentation of the material and involve each and every student in the learning process. The more involved they are, the better my results as an instructor will be.

Interaction with every student gives you a chance to become familiar with that student as an individual-and he/she to be more familiar and at ease w/you. It is usually apparent early on which of those will require extra attention to bring them to the point where they can and will contribute to the course, and becoming familiar with them gives you insight into how to deal with that aspect.

I think if you can speak directly with each student, that they will feel like you are someone who can be approached and they can feel comfortable talking with you. I used to teach a class of sixty students, and I did my best to interact with each one, both in the classroom and out, but I know that I probably never did reach each one. How would you go about meeting with each student in such a large class setting?

Hi Karen,
I love your outlook! Make students rise to the challenge. You get from students what your expect.

Patricia Scales

Hi Lawrence,
Strive to build a rapport with each student. Relationships hold students to high standards in education.

Patricia Scales

Hi Melissa,
Schedule a 10-minute conference with each student so that you can have some one-on-one time to start building a relationship.

Patricia Scales

I can see how that would be great. I don't know that I'd ever have been able to find 600 hours to do that. Good thing I don't teach 60 students anymore!

I am in place as a tool for my students to achieve what should be a very important goal to them. I must find out their learning capabilities and styles , expectations, and commitment level to the course. In that, I have to establish a student/instructor relationship in order to gather my research and teach effectively

This definitely has a positive impact on the student. Recognition and rapport shows the student he/she is not just a number or classroom seat assignment, but an individual being recognised as such. The student is more apt to take ownership of the school and class, thus encouraging them to work (for that recognition and encouragement) to a higher standard.

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