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As an instructor the best approach is be prepared, prepared, prepared. The more organized you are will give students confidence in you as an instructor.

Hi Richard,
When you establish a relationship with students you are more comfortable teaching them, which helps with the nerves/anxiety level.

Patricia Scales

Hi Chris,
Preparation is key! When you are prepared you are more comfortable with presenting.

Patricia Scales

Hi Jamie,

It is better to be over prepared than to be under prepared. Preparation is key and gives you a greater level of comfort.

Patricia Scales

Hi Katina,
Students know when you are cofident and prepared. Students will down grade you when you are not up to par. We owe it to our students to be thoroughly prepared.

Patricia Scales

Hi Jerry,
Try arriving to class early and making small talk with your students to help calm your nerves. You may even want to allow the students to introduce themselves to help with anxiety. Remember you are more knowledgeable than any of your students, you got this!!! Continue to believe in yourself and be prepared to help lessen anxiety.

Patricia Scales

Although I think there will always be some level of anxiety when starting a new class, the best method to reduce it is to be prepared! When I have prepared for class, even though I may be nervous, I am confident in my knowledge of the material and my ability to communicate it.

I agree I take time to prepare before each class. I make sure I have thought about how I would like my class to go for clinical. How the class room will be set up for ease of flow so every student is involved.

The extra prep time helps tremendously. When I have it organized in my head, I can anticipate questions the students may ask and be prepared. Versus getting caught off guard by a question. Also remember that you do know your subject better than they do and don't second guess yourself in the classroom.

Hi Bonnie,
Preparation is key! Preparation brings about great self confidence. Always have a plan to execute while in class.

Patricia Scales

Confer with other instructors, over-prepare for class lectures & activities, practice presentations, self affirmation exercises and plenty of sleep the night before your first class session.

I believe that preparation is the key to my success. I lterally begin months in advance, especially if it is a new course that I will be teaching. If I taught it before, I will check my previous notes on anything that I needed to change that maybe didnt go smoothly the first time around. I may add new and exciting activities to try with my students. I also psych myself up and tell myself that I am highly qualified and I have years of knowledge and experience to offer to my students. Some nerves are good! It keeps you on top of you game!

There are many ways to overcome pre-class nerves and anxiety. Having all the necessary class materials prepared and throughly reviewed help make class run smoothly and allow the instructor to feel confident. Practicing deep breathing, centering, and grounding exercises are also of great benefit to help combat nerves and anxiety.

I have researched many of my lectures to the point where I can answer many questions that were asked. Also a nice tool is if the Internet is available, it's nice to show examples online and also to have it to look up any answers I was not 100% sure about. Also, if I couldn't find something it's nice to have others input on a topic. What are some other techniques I can use? I am a first time instructor and often I feel nervous during lecture, alway anticipating a question I may not be able to answer.

Hi Megan,
Preparation is key! Students can tell when you are ready to give them what they need! They need our best at all times.

Patricia Scales

when teaching a new class or new content, I like to spend extra time preparing myself with content so that I am comfortable with what I am going to present and am able to answer any questions about it.

I have made sure that I have covered all the materials and feel comfortable with the knowledge being presented. If students have questions, Im prepared.

Preparing for the material being presented. Having full understanding and knowledge so if a student ask a question you can reply with confidence.

This was difficult for me as a new teacher, but I had tremendous support from my colleagues. They would offer advice and examples that tied to the situations I was dealing with, and that helped to calm my anxiety and also gave me some new ideas as to how to deal with things differently.

Being prepared and organized! Getting to campus early to make sure you have everything ready. This has helped me tremendously.

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