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1st year

This has been my first year as a teacher. In that time I've found that being straightforward is useful. Even more importantly, none of my students expect me to know everything, and answering "I don't know, but I'll find out" has lead to better results than trying to fake an answer and seem like I know everything. My biggest fear in teaching was that I was a 'phony' since I don't know everything/ every answer, but this simple answer shows students that I care, am learning just like they are and has aided in building their confidence in me (which is in contrast to what I thought it would do....)

Well done Tim.
Im in my eighth year, and still feel like a newbie at times. Like you, I found early on that "I dont know, but I'll do my best to find out", not only puts the students more at ease, but does the same for you. It humanizes you in their eyes and makes you more approachable. I have gotten to the point that I will tell my students at the beginning of a new class that not only do I not know everything, but that I learn something new almost every day of every class, either from them or through preparation for the class. As a technical instructor, I point out to them that like me, they must continue their education in their field, because to stagnate is to be left behind.

Hi Joseph,
What a great response! I've been teaching for 21 years, and I am still learning. To learn is the nature of this business. I too must continue my education because I teach all of the computer courses as well. Computer instructors will definitely get left behind, if we do not continue to learn.

Hi Timothy,

This has been my 1st 2 wks as an instructor. Since I'm fresh from the field and very good at what I do, I assumed I would be able to teach it without too much difficulty. I've already had to respond to 3 questions with "I'm not sure, but I'll find out." I can only imagine how many more times I'll have to say that, but I would never want to make up an answer, because my students will eventually find out I was wrong, and I want them to know the correct answers. I'm more concerned with my students' success than I am with my own pride. -Jeanne

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