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Remembering student names

I have a difficult time remembering names. Any ideas or tricks to remembering names easier?

Hi Darcie,
Some instructors use alphabetical order seating. I have also known instructors to use name tents. Making a copy of students IDs may help so that you are able to put a face with a name.

Patricia Scales

I will try these tricks. I have a hard time remembering names as well.

Hi Kenna,
These practices are very effective when it comes to memorizing students name. Students really feel a sense of importance when we know them by name.

Patricia Scales

I find I don't memorize the names well enough until I assess an assignment from each one. I make a point of collecting a simple assignment during the first class, grading it, writing a comment on it, recording the score next to the student's name and returning it personally. Somehow this visual and verbal connection does the trick for me.

Hi Mary,
Awesome way to help memorize students names. I have known some instructors to simply use name tents for the first two weeks to help with name memorization.

Patricia Scales

I have an awful time with names, especially the students who sit in the back. I have taken to writing myself notes on the student's appearance, mannerisms, accents, etc. to remember them the first week. For example:
John Doe - Tall guy with the long hair and glasses. Jane Buck - Blonde with the curly hair and Northeastern accent.

I initially seat the students in alphabetical order and before calling on students, check the seating chart.

Hi Donna,
This is an old tactic, but it really works. Students really do not fuss about utilizing this practice.

Patricia Scales

I also make notes to jog my memory in the grade book. I still use a paper grade book just for that reason.

Hi Susan,
I am old school and I too use a paper gradebook. Over the years I have learned that a paper gradebook is multipurpose. I too jot down notes in my gradebook.

Patricia Scales

I have never perssonally had this problem but have you tried name plates or something that they can sit on their desk with their name on it until you become familiar with them?

Hi Courtney,
I have not done this because I am really good with name memorization, but some of my instructors have, and it works nicely.

Patricia Scales

I love using Ids for name to face. i awlways make them have there ids on. if they dont have them I would make them get it before i help them. Its a must in my lab.

I like this idea. My memory is terrible. I always manage to learn the student names during the first class, but it's painful! Maybe I will try this activity, and it will ease the process. Thanks!

We use photo attendance sheets the entire term. This allows us to look at the picture's ahead of time to get a jump on student names prior to day 1. At orientation we also make an attempt through a comminality-hook game to share names and an interesting fact. The interesting fact really does help us in remembering the student names.

Hi Mary,
Wow, these are great tactics to use to help with name memorization. I know of some instructors who like to use name tents and name tags the first two weeks to help with name memorization.

Patricia Scales

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