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I think I have had each type of student before. To me the center stage students are the ones who are the hardest to deal with. They like to be the center of attention. I like the use it wisely cards-what a great idea

I have learned some great lessons in how to keep inattentive students engaged.

It is important to address the concern and get the attention of those who appear bored in class.

Great strategies for how to deal with inattentive, unprepared, ready to quit and center stage students.

Dealing with these students can be very exhausting and I have to admit, at times, I have just wanted to give up because it seems that nothing I was doing was helping. Some ways that I battle this is with projects so they do not just have to sit and listen or looking things up in a book. This seemed to help my inattentive and center-stage kids last year.

I like the card idea when dealing with a student who like to be center stage.

Sometimes students may not be inattentive due to boredom but are inattentive due to life as most students in this setting are adults with families of their own and likely careers. Using different strategies including group learning will be beneficial

This is a big help with understanding how to deal with a whole gambit of different students in the same class.

I learned that by observing students and meeting may result in the student reducing the talking then you can assign the role of "observer" to the center-stage student.

You can not change a center staged student you can only control their behaviors.

It is important to address difficult behaviors in individual students to avoid it becoming a widespread problem. 

I learned that there may be difficult students and there are various strategies for dealing with them.

Find tasks for the center stage students to do.  All ambiguous behavior is bad, even from the instructors

This section was helpful because I am finding my group of students challenging the semester. I liked reading about the breakdown of types of students because I was able to think about my class and which dynamic is at play with which students. I have been already thinking that I need to make my Welcome Letter more specific and bullet pointed and this class just supports this. I also liked what was said about working with discouraged students in making sure to engage with them and maybe even bring in a guest speaker. I also like the idea of asking inattentive students how the class could be made more interesting and I LOVE the cards idea for center stage students. Really- this was a very helpful lesson and could not have been more applicable to what I am working with as an instructor!

There are many type of "challenging" students, and even more way to handle them. It's important to self evaluate before addressing these students to be sure that you are meeting their needs before trying to get them to change something they are doing. 

I appreciate the strategies used to deal with difficult students, especially as the class progresses and personality types become more center stage.

Keeping them engaged, intervening without embarrassing to bring students back.

How to get the inattentive students to participate and engage in the class

I learned that instructors are to be the Instructional Delivery Expert (IDE) in their field and creates credibility with the students when they are informed the expertise and background towards subject being taught. It is also important establish classroom expectations with the students from the very first day of class. 

getting whole class involvement and keeping the class main stage in check will be a challenge but set the tone on the first day, be consistent and make sure the quiet ones aren't being quiet 

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