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Rapport is needed to make good class room. Learn about the mistakes you make and work on the same so that it will not repeat. 

Be prepared and when you make mistakes, own up to it and explain how you are going to correct it. 

In this module we learned about instructor mistakes.  I'm afraid I'll be in that category of worrying about the "what ifs" that will likely not occur.  I will take the advice that was given and stay focused, have myself organized and prepared for each lesson.


one common mistake i make is that i get nervous at first and speak to fast going through the material i wanted to go over in record time.  having a lay out and stopping for questions and examples is a great way to stop myself from throwing the information at my students and gradually presenting it to them.

Class management in teaching adults is composed of being prepared, organized and dedicated to the students learning.


Dana Redmond


Not letting the "what if's" lead you during the class period. Taking notes after class to help you know what is working and what is not working will help with future instruction.

being overprepared would help me, I do not feel confident enough in myself yet. Also confess to my own mistakes and do better next time. 

Be prepared for class.

Ive only been teaching for 2 years so still coming up with new and exciting things to do because sometimes my lesson ends and we have 30 minutes left. 

I, too, find that over-preparing helps to markedly reduce any "first-day jitters".  It also addresses the Bermuda Triangle issue of running out of class activities prematurely, by having back-up ideas if you do get through the planned material faster than expected.  

Having years of teaching, I think I get over excited to teach at times. I like the idea of slowing down although I often go back to see if there are questions and that students are understanding the topics.

Not being prepared, knowledge  and student demos

Always be operated to give a class

I have made it an important part of my instruction to learn the student's names in my class. I feel that this is very important, and it puts a smile on the student's face. It makes the student feel important. I feel that you do have to be professional at all times. One day last semester, I had a student ask me why I ironed my uniform because she never ironed hers. I explained to her about the importance of looking and being a professional. 

I was relieved to see that the "Bermuda Tirangle" effect (having a lesson/activity that takes 20 minutes and then when you get to the class it ony takes 5....) is universal! I was always afraid it was only a problem I was having. 

I have a hard time remembering the names of my students, so I am working really hard in this area. I will be using the strategy of writing notes after class on what worked and what did not work 


Alot of the things stated in this module are very true. Teachers need to know the names of their students. Not knowing their names really tarnishes the relationship between student and teacher. I also agree with the things mentioned about the teacher doing their best to not be the root of a problem. Be professional and plan appropriately. 


Being prepared for class.

in this discussion we covered how to create an instructor image, common instructor mistakes and how to address them when they do occur. how to properly manage a class and the distinctions between student behaviors and psycology behind those peticukar behavior types. also discussed was ways to improve on your own instructing style.

Taking notes to improve is essential.

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