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For me, the most important soft skill is integrity. If I am guided by a clear sense of internal values and life principles, I can confidently employ the other soft and people skills. It's possible to be polite and tactful, to be a good listener, to respect and to motivate as long as I operate from this central beacon of integrity.

Maintaining a positive attitude despite the often negative dynamics involving an instructor's personal life is incredibly important. An instructor must learn to manage his emotions. Secondly, understanding and respecting others, especially our students, is crucial to a successful class experience. Age gaps, life style choices, and philosophical differences must be put aside in the class room. The three listed differences, plus many more, are best not touched on during class instruction.

Personally I believe that they all are important because it brings balance to the class room, but if I must choose I would say Integrity, Dependability, and having a positive attitude.

I feel soft skills are very important in the classroom. Communication is one of the very most important skills in the classroom. People are different and have different opinions and react differently to certain situations, but with good communication skills an instructor can communicate with many different type of personalities. I find that student are sometimes on the defensive when they try to communicate their ideas if they are unsure and if you can relate and communicate in a menner the can relate to then everyone can align on a even level.

Communication is the key. Great communication can enhance learning abilities and relationships.

Communication is one of the most important soft skills.

Being able to relate to others of different ethnic background.

Being a good listener for your co-workers - listen without injecting your own emotions - enables you to positively contribute to the workplace and enhance workplace relationships.

Getting along with others is one of the most important soft skills in the workplace.

Respect is a topic that people have so many different opinions on. From deserving respect, to giving, earning, it goes on and on. It is up for that person to determine how they want to show respect and then do it. People cannot expect to get respect, but some do.
Philip Campbell

The PA study suggested that being a team player was the most important and my experience has born this out. I personally struggle with this, as it is sometimes hard to make my process fit with anothers'. I usually succeed because it is so important, I just need to evaluate and not be impulsive.

I believe respect for others is one of the most important. It shows you have self respect and are willing to work and listen to constructive criticism. I also believe good communication is essential, but so hard to get students to understand how crucial this is to do.

I think common sense and attention to detail are the most important. Making appropriate and practical decisions uses most, if not all of the top ten most important soft skills. Paying attention to detail will actually let one see what is going to so that one can make an informed decision.

Showing empathy is something that more should learn to acquire. I know there is something to be said about trial by fire, but at some point there needs to be some nurturing as well. Thanks for the input.
Philip Campbell

Good choices. Both of those are important and I think that the better we all are at those the better our world becomes around us.
Philip Campbell

Respect is the most important soft skill when looking at all workplaces. You must respect those you work with, and hopefully in return they will respect you.

In my experience, the most important soft skills for me have been the ability to empathize with my students. Most of my students are adult learners who have countless obligations to manage in addition to the education. They are raising families, working and taking care of a home while pursuing their education. As an adult learner myself, who achieved most of my goals after having a family, I have a unique perspective to offer as a educator. I understand the challenges involved in juggling many responsibly. This is my most important "soft skill" and I utilize this experience often in my teaching career.

Common sense isn't so common any more. I think that common sense has to be learned. As a whole we are more shelfish than ever as a society. If someone does not respect themselves, how can they treat others with respect?

I think effective and timely communication is the most important. Not only should we have good communication as educators,but we have to make sure the communication is effective and timely. This includes lectures, assignments and student feedback on assignments.

Listening is a valued skills that many need to practice. Once mastered the return will be great.
Philip Campbell

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