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Instructional Strategies for Gen Y and Gen Z Students | Origin: ED135

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Teaching Multigenerational Learners --> Instructional Strategies for Gen Y and Gen Z Students

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I liked the part where it talked about using personal experinece as examples. We all have diferent life experiences, and incorporating that in the classroom would be great. It also engages the students.

I like to use job story experiences in classroom lectures related to the lesson for better understanding.

I become a vessel of information for the student. Any information the student need I facilitate.  

I use my real life experiences to facilitate the learning experience. It really helps students understand how it applies in the real world.


I got a better understanding of Gen Y and Gen Z and how they prefer to learn.  I learned what is required to better engage these younger gerneration students.  I intend to apply this to better engage students and facilitate theri learning.  I will keep in mind that the younger students tend to disconnect after a short time in lectures.

Stratigic teaching based on generational characteristics is key to student retention..


One of the best method of teaching is sharing  life experiences in the career the learner is interested in. This is very important to implement in classroom to help students of generations succeed.


It is important to remember that while we are the instructor at a point we have to be more of a guide to our students. Once they grasp the basic premise of the information we must guide them to practice and apply their new found knowledge. While doing this they may come up with a method themselves! 

I always try in incorporate my life experiences when I teach. The students always remember when I tell them specfic story that happened about what was in the lecture.


Seth Soronnadi

I Learned that "Teaching across generations can be facilitated if instructors allow for self-discovery and fulfillment. "


give them a exercise to where they can see what can happen in a couple of different senerios and compare it in a classroom discussion.



A Chinese proverb is presented for more thought and reflection:

"I hear, and I forget; 

I see, and I remember;

I do and I understand."

And understanding leads to change and growth! 


So true and profound!!!!

I appreciate that this course keeps stressing that at the core all learners share more in common than not, including across generations. 

Each generation can learn from each other. My lesson plan must include a way to use that connection.


I enjoyed learning about each generation and what they have in common. 


The instructor needs to develop materials that would engage the students. The more the students participate in the process, the more they understand, the more enhanced theier levels of competency.


I appreciate the need to introduce the big picture and the statement that each student brings his or her own learning objectives to the class and that most are tied to career goals. And this is the conversation absent from most public schools I have experienced. I am an avid believer that unless we start talking to students about their hopes, dreams, and plans for a big picture life no later than late elementary school, we're missing the opportunity to get them to understand the connections between schooling and thier own lives. These conversations and plans can also drive our planning and the purchase of materials required to assist them in reaching their desired destinations. However, the dialogue seems a monologue with adults perceiving they know what students should need - without affirming that assumption through conversations with students and families. Hopefully, it's more common than my experience in public schools.

This module reinforced the need to provide active, experiential learning opportunities in our instruction.  The Chinese proverb clearly demonstrates this - we learn by doing.  It reinforces the need to be a guide or facilitator of learning versus simply lecturing on a topic.  Many great active learning techniques were provided inlcuding the use of small-group discussion, class presentations, group projects, and service learning opportunities.  This module also emphasized the need to teach the younger generations critical thinking skills.  Although they are mass consumers of information, they may not be as skilled at dissecting the information, developing an informed position based on the information found, and being able to defend the position.  It is importnat to teach future professionals how to be real-world problem solvers and to focus on outcomes versus intentions only.

I have found that working with multigenerational can benefit all.  The older can teach the younger and vice versa.  They all have something in common even though they are from different generations.


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