I have never had to teach an online class, or utilized doc sharing in my classes. I have however, found it very useful to use document management system and doc sharing technology in my day-to-day life. I often have to share files with people I do business with all over the country and doc sharing technology such as dropbox have been an essential part of being able to share files with other people.
I can imagine that utilizing something like that would greatly reduce the amount of time I spend in class collecting assignments and would cut down on the amount of copies I have to make for presentations and assignments.
Having a place for students to upload files is wonderful for computer applications classes. For example with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access courses I've taught, there are around 50 activities where students work with files. It is so much better having a central place for students to upload all their work. It is time stamped, so it eliminates any argument about when work was submitted. Each student has a separate folder, so it is easy to see who has submitted what files. The system we use also allows me to add comments to students files for them to review. It is much easier to grade work as well. For example, it is easier to look at formulas, fonts, colors, and other formatting in Excel on a monitor than it is on paper. Plus we save a LOT of paper by submitting electronically instead of on paper.
For student presentations, it is much quicker for me to open documents from a website than it is to open up files from each student's thumb drive.
This practice has several benefits. In-class presentations go much faster when all presentations are in the same file and it is easier to check for plagiarism from a digital copy of an assignment rather than a hard copy.
One main benefit is saving paper. I've printed syllabi for my classes in the past, and I would find them left behind or in the trash. Uploading files and presentations eliminates waste. It also makes it convenient for students to access the information. They can grab the it from a school computer, their phone, or mobile smart device.
Beyond the economic advantage of saving paper, shared files will allow the follow on classes to build on previous research and expand the knowledge base of the school.
I will also provide examples of quality presentations to assist in reaching new levels of excellence.
We use a portal system in our school where all the students have access to their entire course from day 1 (assignments, grades, attendance, PPTs, lectures, etc). It's nice to have the students upload their reports, presentations, research, etc directly to the portal. I have found that it saves time in the classroom, saves paper of course, reduces the stress of the student if they aren't able to make it to class on a particular day, and it also allows the instructor to open the uploaded presentations directly from the computer and shared with the class via an overhead projector where it can be discussed with the student and class quickly and easily.
Students would feel more engaged in the lesson. I feel a student would rather download a lesson than, "students take out your books and turn to page...". Less paperwork and the ability to insert current material in the lesson is a big plus also.
Having students upload presentations or class documents can help to avoid wasting class time collecting info or even handing out info that can be accessed in a digital medium at a later time, etc. It also is valuable as a teachign tool giving students autonomy over their learning experience.
I am glad you agree and have embraced these resources. I love it because my satchel is now 5 lbs. lighter than it was ten years ago- it is nice not to lug around a stack of papers day after day!
Yours in learning,
Theresa Schmitt
We have a limited version of E-College which is good for sharing documents. Great to be able to load everything at the beginning of the semester and have it available. Facilitates assignments as students can pull up the template of questions and type their responses in then send it to me electronically. Looking forward to more robust systems with more functioning.
It's much easier and faster to have students upload assignments so that they are accessible before class begins. Additionally, it gives the instructor the opportunity to preview assignment submissions to ensure the work was done properly, and if not, to have the chance to contact the student before class to have them revise the assignment so that it fully demonstrates their understanding of the material.
Document management and media sharing through programs like Evernote, Google Docs, and OneNote can definitely save significant time in the classroom for both staff and student. By sharing my student resource files with my students they can access them at any time and because these services allow me to update documents, if I make a change the student gets it immediately and I don't have to print off the documents again.
My student share their documents with me (i.e. Homework) No more I left it on the bus, my dog ate it, etc. When they finish the work they save it to the shared folder and I have access to it immediately. I can grade it and give them the feedback in the same way.
When my students find an interesting website, file, video or whatever they can simply clip the file or website and save it to their shared file and I have access to it immediately.
These are great tools.
I like the choice the students have of copying to their thumb drive, print or remember the Presentation. It saves time and paper.
In addition to saving paper as others have mentioned, I've found the timestamp provided on digital turn-ins cuts down on confusion about where files are or when they were turned in. It facilitates implementing late work policies since everything is there in black and white.
Some benefits of utilizing a document management system allows the student to upload work, that my otherwise be forgotten or misplaces with the ability to access the information at a later date.
Information uploaded by students can also be recalled later by administration if needed to confirm the students grades or submission for the course.
I really like the use of google docs as a means to collect homework
Having completed a Bachelor's degree online I have seen the benefit of uploading documents to an interactive portal. It not only allows for interaction with the instructor but also with other classmates and makes it easy to do group projects etc...I also saw how if I was on the other side, programs like Turnitin can benefit the instructor with plagairism and copied material issues.
A great benefit of utilizing a document management systems is the turn around time on getting graded papers back to the students. Another benefit is having students engage in technology so that they are comfortable with technology when going into the workforce.
Currently in our school the students do have the traditional book, but have the choice to also access it online in the event that they do not have their book available. Grades are done exclusively online as well as access to the syllabus and rubrics. Aside from the saved paper aspect, it allows alot more portability. You can access from anywhere.
I agree, I am looking forward to implementing this into my class. We have a hard time making copies for students right now that this is going to help so much.