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Lisa, I'm glad you will be able to use these two teaching strategies.

Michele Deck

I believe the T-shirt and the shower cap strategy is an activity that will stick with the learner for a long time. It is very much "learning by doing", and thus have a higher percentage of retained information by the learner. I believe it will have a positive, long-lasting affective and cognitive impact on the learner, as well.

Unidad (Ning), I hope you use these ideas as well.

Michele Deck

I really like the T shirt idea. I would enjoy it in a group activity as a timed race. I could even do it with Medical Terminology by naming the body part or condition.

I can adapt the "Cardiac Circulation Sheet" into teaching blood flow through the heart and EKG. I also like "The Story of Life for CPR". I think it will have the students grasping the steps a little easier. These have been great ideas. I'm not sure what I would change, until I have a chance to use these teaching methods.

I love the t-shirt and shower cap idea. When discussing the areas of the brain they could also act out the area affected if it were damaged. example would be coordination, sight, hearing, etc.
I also love the walking through the circulatory system. The stories were a little to complicated for me to remember for CPR and Heinlich but the idea is good! Thanks for these great ideas.

The t-shirts will be great for the circulatory and conduction system of the heart. We could use the tee-shirts to properly place our EKG leads. Thanks

The stories might be helpful for me in the BBP class, but I'd have to come up with a good story to help remember some of the lecture points.

I love it, I'm going to try it! Thanks

Mary, I'm glad you find these to be helpful tools.

Michele Deck

Joyce, I hope these ideas are very helpful to you.

Michele Deck

I use animal organs for the A & P courses. The students like the fact that they are seeing real organs. They can touch and handle and I also have them name the parts of the organ.

I do like the edible cell and will use it when I teach that portion again

I would never have thought about the t-shirt method. I plan on using it the next time I have anatomy, what a visual way for them to learn where the organs are located, along with placing bones along side. It could be used a a "pin the bone/organ on the student" game.

Tshirt method, the cell method, and the sheet method could all be implemented into the anatomy class here that would easily help students remember the information.

I love the incredible edible cell idea. Combining things that we are familiar with to the cellular level, it's genius. I will adapt this method to teaching lesion descriptions.

I am teaching dental embryology so many of these ideas do not seem that they will work. These ideas are great for clinical practice. I will try to dream something up along the many ideas I am reading about that can work for my class.

Tracy, good luck with combining new activities and your content.

Michele Deck

none of these woild work real well in a dental setting. I guess I would try the incredible edible cell and use it for dental structures

I teach radiologic technology (aka, x-ray_. We use a baby doll to sit in what is called a, Pigg-O-Statt, a device to hold an infant still while performing a chest radiography procedure. Using the doll is great as students can use all precautions and if they make a mistake, they still do not have to worrry about hurting the doll. Then, as they attend their hospital or clinical sites and work on "live patients" they feel more at ease!

Richard, this is a wonderful, low anxiety approach to simulating reality. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Michele Deck

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