Visual Teaching
I thought the ABG Go Fish and the Pulse Point Macarena were novel ways of getting the student to remember complex topics and remembering statistics. Great way of learning a sequence of anatomical structures.
Douglas,I hope when you adapt these ideas to your class it will teach and energize both you and your learners.
Michele Deck
I like this idea & wish I had heard of it sooner, My students are having a hard time memorizing coagulation factor numbers & common names & also some of the groups they belong in. I think the "go fish" game would really help them learn these facts. Thanks for the idea.
Kimberly, you are welcome. I'm glad to hear how this will solve a problem with the blood coagulation factors.
Michele Deck
I find visual aids help students with memory. It gives them the seeing, hearing, and hands-on experience. Definitely will use some of these skills. Thank you.
Christine, I'm glad you have found some useful teaching tools for your classes. Please try one this week or next.
Michele Deck
Love these ideas! I try to have my students create a "rap" song to learn A & P lessons because rhyming and music help reinforce memorization.
I have to agree, these are great ideas.
I liked all of the ideas and cannot wait to try them in my classes.
William, thank youfor the positive feedback. Good luck implementing your new approaches.
Michele Deck
The idea of using spaghetti noodles to teach students how muscles work is awesome. Actually touching and seeing are learning techniques are excellent teaching tools. Unfortunately, they are not utilized often enough.
Stephanie, I agree that more hands on methods are needed in classrooms.
Michele Deck
I also agree about visual aides, seems to be a great teaching tool
I like and use the noodle idea for muscle fibers. This allows for the students to get a general idea of what the millions of fibers look like. Plus if you cook the noodles just a bit you can show muscle flexion and extension.