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Family Fued

This is a game that gets everyone involve. There are two teams and the team with the most points when. Each question has a value of points the last question will count more then previous questions. This will make it very competitve for the teams if one is losing.

I like the Family Fued I idea. I will have to give it a try.

This is a VERY fun game. It can certainly be applied to not only the classroom, but other small settings when trying to create a fun learning envirionment. I would try it.

I have been brainstorming ideas for team-style games and Family Feud didn't even cross my mind. Thanks for the idea. I find that when engaged in competition, students will take the extra steps necessary to 'win.' This should be fun - can't wait to try it!

Tiffany, this is a fast and easy interactive learning activity to incorporate in class.

Michele Deck

Yes, we have played Family Feud as a Comprehensive Final Exam review... the class loved it and even became very competitive for points!

I agree. Games like this that have noted popularity in different circles, will definitely keep students attention for an extended period as well as the ability to retain the knowledge given

Tenille, since this show is still on the air, it is still familiar to learners.

Michele Deck

Great idea! Will try this game with my next class. Any suggestions on games to try for a larger class with 38 students?

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