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Color Coding Visual Method

I think using a visual method greatly helps students when studying, especially in med term. I suggest my students color code their flashcards so that when taking a test or a quiz. They'll remember the color of the word on their flashcard which then helps to trigger the definition of it. Works for some yet not for others. I explain this to the students. I encourage them to try it.

I think this is a great idea. I had my students make flashcards and suggested that they color code the parts of the word. Prefix-root-suffix all in different colors so they can learn the parts. I think it helps to color code as well.

Marsella, you and I agree on the power of color coding. It is a simple idea, but it works.

I has never thought on my own to color code. But when I review students flash cards I noticed that some where color coding and now I made sure to suggest this option to my new students as a helpful tool.

It is a simple but successful strategy.

I never thought about adding color to also enhance the memory. It seems like a great idea.

I love the color-code idea, so simple and beneficial, I can understand the benefits....can't believe I havent thought of it before. I have one student that makes up songs and rhymies to remember her terms. They are very funny-she always entertains us with the latest. Its interresting to see what works for students, all are so different.

Yes, I am amazed at the diverse ways learners devise to remember terminology.

Wow, this is interesting. I have never heard of this before. I will definitely suggest this to students in the future.

Another cool idea is AFTER they have studied but have trouble remembering certain words. They should cut the flashcard of the word they are having difficulty with into a DIFFERENT SHAPE (instead of leaving it a square/rectangle shape). For example, when a student cannot remember -ia or confuse it with the 2 letter pertaining to suffix's I tell the student to cut the -ia flashcard into a circle. Remembering the shape really helps to trigger the memory for a test or quiz.

Ann, thank you so much for sharing this idea. I have color coded but have not used shapes before. I will try this now.

I have used color coding prefixes, suffixes, and root words for awhile now. I encourage all students to use it or give it a try. When I tutor a student, I ask them to try it for one system if I meet resistance to the suggestion.
I usually get their cooperation this way and they will try it.
When the student sees that it did work for them they then continue using this tool.

Michaela, you are smart to realize that to see value in an activity, you must get the student to try it before they reject it. Well done!

i agree visual methods can certainly help exspecially the neon cards

Victoria, I will try neon cards myself.

Michele Deck

I suggest that my students highlight their textbooks in different colors, depending on prefixes, suffixes, etc. I also suggest that they get the spiral flash cards, that way they can put the word on the blank side and the definition or any notes on the lined side. It has really worked out well for the visual students.

As I have always been using color coding in work related issues, and therefire I have been applying it to my teaching. It works great for students, as I have noticed that once they get used to learning with colors, their grades have greatly improved. It's easy and not costly, but worth the ahead planning.

I use color coding visual methods when teaching my students how to dissect and figure out the parts of the DEA number verification process. It makes it easier for them to remember the definitions of the letters and helps them easily identify the numbers that must be added together in order to prove 8if the DEA number of the physician is valid or invalid.

Good idea. I can see how this could really work.Thank you.

Color coding body systems was very helpful to my students learning not just words, but where they applied.

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