Excellent thoughts. I agree, moving away from concept of the instructor as "the sage on the stage" in the modern classroom is quite productive.
Jae Gruber
One reason I really adult education is dealing with the many differences found in the classroom. I enjoy the dynamic that occurs when different generational groups come together. I really try to set up the learning activities within my classroom to hit multiple learning styles as well as appeal to different generational groups. I tell my students up front that I am aware that there will be overlap of subject matter but that I personally feel we all learn differently and while they might get it the first time the read it in the text book someone else in the classroom might need to do it with their hands, or watch a video clip or see it demonstrated from them. I promise them that I am not trying to insult their intelligence by going over something multiple times, “beating a dead horse†but I am varying the way the information is being presented for the benefit of the class. I find that setting the ground work for my classroom each term is very important for student to be successful and not be frustrated in my classroom. I really enjoy active learning and find that my teaching style works well with all generational groups once they get past the fact that I am not going to simply stand at the front of my classroom and talk at them. I like to do group activities that force different generational groups to work together, I think they all have skills that they possess from the environment they were raised in that can be beneficial to those from other generational groups. I do my best to monitor these group activities and help to navigate any potential frustrations that might arise because of differences (work ethic) so I become more of a mediator and facilitator and allow all to learn from each other, and have fun doing it.
Jae, I have found that by relating personal experiences within real world applications, in different stores, that when discussing techniques performed in class and how they may be applied to situations which arise that students seem to be more able to relate how the demos and practical skills they are learning will apply to them personally. Due to a majority of the students being Gen Xers I will also use this method to describe how I couldn't have produced and reproduced consistency without working as a team to provide the best experience for the guest and also for those in the back of the house to work through a difficult shift. I have found that including short video clips to back up demos also brings home the learning experience. Power points I agree are good tools but once again adding personal side notes in relation to the topic demonstrates that the power point is not just a classroom time filler. Also providing real world situational examples based on my past experience where I have encountered a problem or tried to "skip a step" causing an inferior product demonstrates what can occur when they do not apply what they have been taught. Finally stressing the idea of consistencey is paramount. I advise them that every dish or step they take to produce a product must be done with the thought of excellence and that they must imagine that the person they are preparing the food for is thier hero, mentor or the person who they would like to most impress with thier skill and level of caring. I also express that the work environment must be "fun" or expressive but there is a time for joviality and a time to dig down deep from within as a team to "get the job done." Every situation allows for evaluation, "One Minute Managing" techniques go a long way in affermation as well as constructive criticism. I feel this a very effect tool to use when done on a one on one basis every few days with each student.
I use a number of techniques to engage the younger students including the use of cellphone text messaging with a picture of the next day's food project. I also like to use musical background with more a contemporary genre. I check the lyrics out first and make sure they do not include words that would not be used in classroom setting, then the music will be played by me when the class is cleaning or doing less critical prep work. It definitely raises morale and mood levels throughout my classes. The biggest thing however is to keep the class as fun as possible.
For the older career changers I find that music from the 50'2 and 60's can enhance production. Another idea I have used is to comment on how certain dishes, kitchen techniques and kitchen math have been used by me in certain situations. And that by having experience and knowledge in these areas were a great benefit to my career. This motivates the older student.
I like to talk about what they learned before me. Techniques from before work in new techniques. I do demos and have recorded demos on you tube. I used to play music but management frowned on it. I talk about all the recipes demo the hardest ones and coach on production day.
i lecture first then demo and then the students do the same recipe. Then i tell what was wright and what was wrong and how to improve.
You are definitey incorporating a lot of great ideas into your classroom! I like music as well, but prefer it during the clean up portion of class. I find that during production, while it motivates some students, it is a distraction to others and they have difficulty concentrating.
Jae Gruber
It is the food that bonds us, age is just a number in food world. An assignment we use is a family recipe report. The students report to the class about a favorite family recipe. The history, time of year, memories,ingredients and cooking methods of the recipe. Most are so proud to talk about this project and we all learn from the shared knowledge of this exercise.Most recipes have been passed along in families,and bridges generational boundaries.
I have used a similar project in the past, and I agree, students really seem to enjoy talking about food from their culture/area of the country or world and so on. Thanks for sharing the idea with everyone!
Jae Gruber
These are all excellent ideas! I would be interested in hearing more about your "one minute management" techniques.
Jae Gruber
Good morning Chef,
I use a combination of visual like videos, white board and and demo with the help of student "sous chef".
Mixing technology with actual books. A little of both seems to hit all generations while giving them challenges to learn the other.
Good point, Matt. Some instructors are hesitant to use technology in the classroom (beyond PowerPoints and film clips), but if there is a way to have everyone look up something on their phone related to the class, or incorporate the use of the discussion forum on the portal for an assignment, it adds a little variety to the class.
Jae Gruber