It is important to consider all the different types of learning styles in one's approach to teaching
I like the idea of sharing the importance of hybrid learning.
Thought provoking. More challenges to me the instructor to explore my approach based on nthe student backgrounde
It is important to address the diversity of the students by a multimodal approach to learning.
Addressing a variety of learning activities will promote diversity and encourage all students to participate.
"The term "nomadic" has been used to describe the current college students' culture of wireless and mobile connectedness in the sense that they are not "rooted" but incredibly flexible and fluid when it comes to their social connections and their virtual life culture."
With the increase use of technology, students are more familiar with the use of technology (in many situations, but not all) and learning can take place in a less linear format.
How to reach differetn types of learners
As educator it is important to use this technology resources to facilitate to the students variety of opportunities to customize their learning experiences. Also allow the learner to adapt the use of the educational materials according their necesities and enhance their learning style using multiples resources as videos, articles, books, etc.
I have learned how essential it is to design dynamic and technology rich learning environments. If it is linear students may not be as engaged or get as much out of it as they would a more dynamic model. I will definitely be thinking about this in any future course development.
The information provided in the module was helpful for developing additional learning strategies for online courses.
In this module Ive reviewd the different ways of learning, and learned about another models.
Online learning is not linear; it is like a web with multiple inputs and open-ended outputs.
I learned that the professor have the responsabiliti to integrate to the learning the differents way of the space interaction.
It is important to use multiple methods to engage the variety of ways of learning for students.
An instructor should direct teaching to all the learning styles. Using different methods to deliver the information will assist in targeting more than one particular type of learner.
These discussed techniques allow for learning to take place regardless of learner preference because it facilitates learning in many different ways to meet more student needs.
Many things stood out to me however, my key takeaway is for the instructor to understand the various learnng styles and apply them to the learning process. Customization is key and learning is more effective when it is multidimensional and encourages the student to gather information or inout as they deem effective such as the use of Multi Mobile Connections (MMC).
The focus on the diversity of ways to learn fits well with the dynamic and diverse tools available in the online classroom. I love the move away from lecture and notetaking. Long lectures were hellish for me as a student and bored me as an instructor. Even when teaching before the advent of online learning, I tried to mix it up -- using lecture, discussion, group work, student presentations, film, and fieldtrips as various ways to approach course content.
Nancy Tosh
Applying the term "inclusion" means providing learning opportunities and assessment forms to meet many different learning styles. This is an important change I need to make so that all learners can be successful in my courses.