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I am interested to see what are some techniques and strategies you have used to differentiate instruction in an on-line environment. It is always great to see what creative techniques different instructors have used.


There is so many prepared apps that can be such an important way to individualize the learning. I have a "repository" of learning technology tools. Since I teach business report writing course, I use Grammar Girl for grammar issues and I have used to help students with word usage.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I do not try to differentiate instruction. I do not search for strategies, tactics, and techniques for their own sake. If I take on a strategy, tactic, or technique it is because it works for a given student at a given point in time. My goal is to empower people, and each person is different. What works for one person may not work for another. I keep my eyes on the prize - empowerment.


I understand your point of empowerment. I don't really believe in preferred learning styles and research is bearing this out. I do however believe in giving students resources that will help them close gaps they have in learning.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Dr. Kelly W,

I entered this post for a different reason, but what caught my eye was your reply:

"I don't really believe in preferred learning styles and research is bearing this out."

I would be interested if you could expand -- especially about new research bearing this out. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, rather flatly stating I don't know! I am a pediatrician and fascinated with different learning strengths and weaknesses especially as it relates to kids in trouble d/t various learning differences/disorders.

My heroes are Dr. Mel Levine ("All Kinds of Minds Institute") and Richard "Rick" Lavoie who look at learning/teaching knowledge in light of neurodevelopmental knowledge - both of which are expanding. They are both respectful and discriminating about "the Dogma and the Research", and thus both accept new and time-honored ideas as well as challenge poorly founded "accepted truths" and “new truths”. Their work, books, and videos are worth checking out.

For example, what about the specific topic of "multiple intelligences" -- Real or bogus? Preferred learning styles? Twice exceptional students (very High AND very low functioning areas. Specific Learning disorders?

This is a tough subject -- but very. very interesting! And it impacts kids and adults alike.

Finally, relevant to this course, technology is often touted as anything from a solution to an effective compensatory (But not remedial) adaptation for certain learning-challenged individuals.

Dr. Kelly W.,

I must wholeheartedly agree to your repository addition of Grammar Girl. I think that tool is good for all students as a resource, but may be especially useful for those who tend to reflexly use local slang or street language, but even more so for those students for whom English is not their first language

i LOVE grammar girl!!! I have suggested students check out her site at times because she is:

1) Easy to read and refreshingly brief and to-the-point
2) Very down to earth - not a stuffy stick-in-the-mud "grammar nazi"
3) Is able to accept SOME legitimate gray areas --reasonable exceptions -- and eloquently explain why, without entering the "anything goes" world of "liberal grammar"
4) Use great -- and practical --examples to support her points.
5) Deals with all the most common grammar questions that usually come up.
6) And....She's right!

7) Finally, for students, she is NOT condescending, blaming, better-than-thou, or intimidating, but a SAFE source for the correct way to write things using proper grammar.

In fact, I think Mignon Fogarty is a great example of a good TEACHER for all of we! (oops....I meant "us"). She even makes language interesting to those who don't normally think that is so.

Her website would be a good choice for a class resource, WIKI or otherwise for anyone's "toolbox".

(And NO, I am NOT her agent or on commission.....(!) ....)

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