Students who struggle to participate
What are some ways you can help students to participate when they are shy and the classroom is dominated by students who are noisy?
You can REQUIRE students to interact. You can create an assessment that requires students to not only post their information to a forum, but respond to a minimum of 2 other student's posts to ensure they are participating. If you are doing LIVE sessions, you can question them directly during the discussion as you would in a traditional classroom.
Herbert Brown III
I would send an email to the quiet student and see if I can get feedback on a one on one level. It might make the learner more comfortable.
In the past I have posted a message that everyone need to participate in discussions.If I had a shy person I would like them more question to break that shell. Many students have experience in the medical field and just would not like to say about there life but that in it self is something that can be shared to other to learn from a expert. That has work for me a few times. The noisy student I would like to email them private and tell them there work is noted and would like to have more input from other students too.
I like to reach out and to praise them on what they did right. I would encourage them to share their thoughts and remind them that we are a class that respects their thoughts. I would always ask for permission and always get the student to be in control of their actions.
Send a personal email and try to redirect the students focus response by communicating one on one.