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Online instructional delivery is an art form all its own.  There is a difference between the novice painter when compared to that of a master.  Painting by the number won't cut it here, especially with state accountability not relaxing its requirements and acquisition of state standards.  In order for online platforms to be more content specific, state standard specified, and aligned, they must consider the expertise needed for instruction to be uninhibited, especially when considering the various populations of learners that they will affect.

Make sure equipment is working and you have the appropriate web conncection for th evideo conferences.


PAy attention to detail and consider the capabilities of your students


For online instruction, it is vitally important for students to have both technical and learning support. Technical difficulties or lack of knowledge with navigating the LMS will negatively impact the student's learning experience.


very helpful information that will take time to put into place.

I learned ways to make the class content in more structured way. Have students have access to quizes and exam material. Ingage students during class so they are cognetively challaged which will result to them remembering the content.

Teacher and Student need to be familiar with the CMS. Students should be comfortable maneuvering and using the CMS to access class information. Teachers should make the CMS as easy to use as possible for Students.

I am learned that is a wide aspects to check before to teach a online classes, such as infrastructure support, not only the knowledge about classes itself, the computer support, technical areas, technology and software, malfunction of the computer system and software, are very important factors to manage in order to be successful during online classes.

My biggest take away at this point it the importance of both instructional support and technical support.  Making students feel comfortable with the technology is equally as important as letting them know that the instructor will be there to support them in their learning.  

In order for students to succeed in the e-learning process, the class must have structure. Orientation is a must with virtual learning for both students and teachers. As a teacher, you must interact with your students online just as you would if they were face to face. Orientation can clarify most questions students might have.


To ensure e-learning success, the instructor must have a thorough understanding for the CMS and an intentional communication platform to help learners to navigate effectively.


I have learned that although, the instructor may possess a wealth of knowledege about the course content, if the course management system is not effective, then the online learner's experience will suffer and may not retain as much information than otherwise. Having a good understanding of the course management system saves time, not only in the classroom, but also with IT. 


Learned that as an effective online instructor one should be familiar with the  instructional, media, presentation, and display strategies that are used by the institution

Students should have access to the course content all the times and not some of the times

Being in an online environment can be comfortable and provide a sense of security. However, as instructors, we engage the student, be aware of any outside factors that may be distracting the student, and continuously offer reassurance/praise.


How you communicate is important to ensure everyone interprets the message the same; different approaches and tactics may be needed depending on the situation.




E-learning helps students develop new routines and strategies. Students are more engaged with other students as well as their instructors. Students are able to learn in any environment when the classroom is not available. E-learning also helps to keep the student engaged and helps the instructor to have more control over the content available to them. The CMS is more structured to help guide the students to the work ahead, like a roadmap.


Being able to deliver on-line learning is a "learning process" by both the instructor and students.  Being familiar with the LMS is a must in order to be successful.  Creating a "mock" class has and could be helpful to beginners.  

Basic Structure of an online Coarse, and it's components. These, of coarse these are rudimentary in nature. My only comment related to that is; I wish we had access to these tools 3 months ago. Although the "sink or swim" approach is effective.


Online instruction can be challenging for both the instructor and student.  The student can become confused and fustrated if the content is not well organized and easly found, the instuctor can find learning how to organize the materials can be challenging.

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