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that insturctors need to know the course materials to be able to assist students with assignments


In the online learning environment, the instructor needs to thoroughly be knowledgeable of every attribute of the course. This would include the set up of the course, the different modes of communication, the set up of the assignments, the grading pattern among other things. Communication with students is of utmost importance with feedback on all assignments. This will encourage the students to correct the gaps in their learning and motivate them to be successful in the course!


We are all learning, which is wonderful!  I have a sense of "need" to share knowledge with my students.



It is important to understand the CMS that is being utilized in order to provide an easy acclimation to an online learning environment as well as provide support to students that may be struggling.

I learned that being well-versed in the course delivery system and technical infrastructure is integral to virtually instructing.


After going through the first part of this training I have found that there are may different ways to help my students feel comfortable and be sucessful in my course.


The success of the online student learner is dependent upon the knowledge of the instructor.  The instructor must know how to manage the CMS (or LMS), the course content, management of assessments and grades, and find ways to keep students engaged and minimize attrition.  

This will be a new teaching technique for me compared to years ago of strictly hands on and classroom activities.


Effective online instruction will depend on my preparation as an instructor.  Thorough knowledge of the CMS will be critical.


A good infrastructure is a must !!!


If I am confident and know my CMS, then I am able to provide my students with the support that they need.  This will help them so that they feel that someone is there for them and helps in turn with the likelihood of their success. 

In order to be succesful as an instructor, you must know and understand the information presented in each of the modules.  You must also familiarize yourself with the course structure. 


I will utilize the Commuication Formula to commuicate more effictively. 

  1. Prepare
  2. Daft the Message
  3. Check for unintended consequences
  4. Refine

I appreciate the note that we are often unprepared in face to face conversations due to our confidence. I can relate to this. I naturally network and build relationships with very little effort. However, during admissions interviews, I find it is best that I keep a consistent conversation outline so that I ensure I stay on track with what is relevant to the purpose of the interview. 


I learned the following:

Make sure you know how to:

  • View the class roster.
  • View student profiles.
  • Post announcements.
  • Post discussion questions.
  • Interpret the trail of responses to discussion questions.
  • Participate in Chat sessions.
  • Drop participants from Chat sessions. A circumstance under which you should do this is when students ignore your warnings and consistently deviate from the topic.
  • Respond to students' input.
  • Generate a summary of each discussion forum.
  • Delete postings from the discussion forum.
  • Review events in the calendar.
  • Post events in the calendar.
  • Manage group projects.
  • Manage the grade book. Enter as well as modify scores.
  • Generate student activity reports.


I never considered reviewing the student tutorial associated with using the online processes. I will plan on doing that in the futur.

What I've leraned the most is this course quality online courses which characterized by structural integrity, navigational simplicity, intellectual interaction, and active learner-centered learning. In addition, as an online instructor your ability to manage the learning environment and each leraner's learning experiences and providing informatie and constructive feeback in a timely manner is utmost. 


Knowing how the CMS works from the student perspective is just as important as getting comfortable with the CMS as an instructor.

I must become familiar with the system so that there is no confusion when delivering it to students.  I will also see what are the needs of each student to better help them.  I have done on-line teaching in the past and have learned that you really need to have a grasp on how to manuever the online platform prior to starting a class. 

I hope to familiarize myself with CTE course delivery techniques and strategies that will help my students become more engaged in lessons.


As the instructor, it is vital to understand all aspects of the LMS (CMS) from both the students' perspectives and faculty perspectives. One needs to be "the expert in the room" so that continuity and engagement flow freely.

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