There are so many more tools than the "Student Survey" I have been using. I like the "Peer Review" concept which would do the same thing for us as teachers as it does for students, make us reflect on what we have done.
Multiple evaluations are important
I find you need multiple evaluations, I think you also have the way the evaluation is done.
Having multiple evaluations of your course is most helpful, and student evaluations shouldn't be your sole resource for revising your modules.
It is important for teachers to have multiple evaluations throughout the course to give good, detailed feedback.
Revision of a course is an ongoing process. This will prevent the class from getting outdated and keep new ideas and methods current. Updates should be incorporated using multiple sources.
Revising and adapting your course is important. Sometimes we don't realize what will work until we try.
It is important to use multiple evaluation methods from all stakeholder groups to make necessary adjustments to the course to improve student learning.
I need to relinquish some control and allow feedback from my peers to let me know what is and isn't working.
There are quite a few ways to assess the level of understanding and using different ways allows differentiation. Sometimes a project can determine the level of understanding more than a test can but then again, who knows who is actually doing the project?
I learned various ways to close the loop. I have always done student evaluations, but I have not had other stakeholders complete evaluations. I will plan to add that to my classes. I realized the importance of self reflection upon the online class. It is important for teachers to refllect upon their work and make changes to improve their teaching.
I learned of the "three clear points, three muddy points" paper. I had not heard of this technique before, and I think it is an excellent option.
Multiple forms of assessing the effectiveness of a course are necessary to revise and close the loop in virtual instruction.
It is imperative that the online teacher use multiple sources of data to evaluate their course.
Multiple types of Quatnitiative and Qualitative feedback are needed to evaluate the course. This is not something I am used to being a in classroom teacher. I think it would take some planning and getting used to on my part.
Utlizilizing multiple feedback options creates a stronger course, beneficial to students and stakeholders together.
A diversified range of assessments is significantly better than a homogenous form of assessments
Multipl evaluations provide learners to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of ways (learning styles).
It takes multiple evaluations from multiple sources in order to close the loop and make your course better.
I have always analyzing grade distributions on assignments, tests, and the course to determine if there any issues in my implementation of content. I have found student evaluations after the course is over less useful than feedback during the course. So, making students feel comfortable enough to provide honest feedback is important.