Multiple types of evaluations and sources of data are needed in order to make course revisions that will result in improved student engagement and learning.
As a teacher/online trainer, I must understand that review and reflection a very important part of course evaluation. This is what we know as closing the loop. It is very crucial to do this part of the on line course because this allows me to improve my teaching experience in the following aspects:
- Improve student learning experiences (teaching and authoring processes)
- Improve curriculum (authoring and assessment processes)
- Focus professional development (authoring, teaching, and assessment processes)
- Impact quality assurance and benchmarking (assessment process)
- Impact personnel decisions ( authoring, teaching, and assessment processes)
There are numerous ways to assess, go for it and use several. Use qualitative and quantitative data to revise the module and teaching.
One should consider formative as well as summative feedback from students and the community, to include but not limited to, deployment, methodology, pedagogy & chunking style.
In order to assure a quality learning experience for students it is important to have multiple evaluations of the course. Stakeholders, educational colleagues as well as student evaluations are all important to consider when revising a course. A course needs to be evaluated each time to ensure the learning experience is relevant and meets industry standards. It also needs to be evaluated to ensure students are engaging in a course that is relevant to their learning style.
It important to evalute an online course. In evaluating the course differnt methonds shoud be used; peer review, student evaluations and examining quantitive and qualitative data. It is also to remember when evaluating the course to keep in mind the student is also a consumer of the course. Keeping that in mind will help with satisfying the stakeholders, students, institution and the teaching/professional community when closing the loop.
Multiple types of assignments and evalautions are necessary for online courses to reach all types of learners.
Multiple evaluations should be popular by now they show how a student compares in the course, it lets you evaluate how well they,
progress or if they do not perform like others but the courses I teach there is multiple skills in the program you may have one already, greatpets tone not it up to be a skill.
Always be evaluating your course. Using data received from multiple areas you can "close the loop" on the course you are teaching.
I think reflecting on outcomes of courses and how students performed can be used effectively to realize where courses need improvement. If students are doing poorly in a particular course, it would show that improvement on what methods and expectations need to be reviewed and improved upon.
Not only is assesment of students important, but an assesment of yourself as an instructor as well. This will help in improving many different aspects of your delivery of your course.
Our course schedule is evvery 18 months. The average cours length is three weeks long. General Math, Electrical calculation formulas does not change. Codes change every three years. Answers are black and white. The biggest thing to keep on top of is the learning types in a given course and the delivery that best fits.
One needs to cloe the lop and make their course the best it can be. One must use multiple tools of evaluation and sources to accomplish this.
It is important to get multiple evaluating sources to ensure proper learning. Having peer and student review helps educators to continually inpro their courses in closing the loop.
Reviewing the syllabus frequently to make sure the material being taught is in the syllabus.
feedback is a great tool to improve my skills to teach
You will need multiple evaluations and multiple inputs from your stakeholders to improve your online course.
I learned that relying on student evaluations at the end of a course is not enough. It is important to use several different sources throughout the course in order to make effective changes to your course.
Muliple input on course evaluation is necessary. I think the most differcult part would to give equal weight to each of the inputs.
Closing the loop is critical for online courses. Because there are multiple stakeholders, there should be multiple sources and multiple methods of evaluation. The course should be revised based on this input and not just one source or method.
i've learned that you use several sources when it comes to evaluation.