When establishing a pattern of communication, the two most important things to consider are:
1. Are the times when the communication is to take place times when I am going to be available on an on-going basis. If I am not available, then, of course, I am not following the pattern I myself have established, and this is a very poor way to model behavior to mu students.
2. Have I communicated the pattern I have establish to my students together with all rules to be followed in using this pattern. In order to expect students to comply with an established pattern -- with all that that entails, including quid pro quo for NOT following the procedure -- then they must know exactly what is expected of them.
Right on. Serving as a role model is a must. Thanks so much.
When students know what to expect, learning outcomes can be more readily achieved. Thanks for your input.
When establishing a pattern of communication the two most important things to consider are:
1) Communication guidelines ~ where and how to make contact for questions and support. When the professor will be available and what can be expected for time line of response.
2) Netiquette or communication guidelines and professionalism ~ Setting class rules for communication sets the tone for the group and gives a foundation to fall back on if necessary.
Communication guidelines held the students know they are not alone and how they can connect with each other and the professor. Learning patience is tough sometime however understanding that unless there is an emergency all things will be responded to within 24-48 hours gives some structure to the unknown.
Netiquette is essential as the tone of a class can change with one person who is mean spirited to peers or the professor therefore rules for engagement are necessary. This is no different than having rules for wearing shoes and shirts when going into a food establishment. They are basic guides to help everyone be respectful of others. A code we can all share.
Joanna Oestmann
When establishing a pattern of communication, what do you believe are the two most important things to consider and why?
1. Rules for communication, tone, emails, questions, and issues related to a communication/netiquette code connected to the University policy.
2. Rubrics and structure for feedback and interactions.
Having procedures and policies in place set the tone then through leading by example once can exemplify the tone. Rubrics and guidelines set parameters that help student’s engagement and gives them control to work as hard as they desire for the grade they choose as it is all transparent.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric Oestmann
It is important to first consider your audience. Introductory-level students, for example, may be unfamiliar with industry jargon which would need to be explained. Information may need to be presented in a more elementary fashion.
It is also important to consider the topic of study. Again, industry standards vary among disciplines and establishing a pattern of communication consistent with the discipline being studied could help prepare students for their career in that industry.
Right on! Everyone needs to understand the expectations, how they will be assessed and general guidelines. This helps everyone work toward the learning outcomes. Thanks for your input.
Guidelines for communication are essential. When students understand how to appropriately communication in a professional setting, they can transfer what they learn in class to a real world setting. Being respecful of others is of the utmost importance. Thank you for emphasizing this in your courses.
Audience analysis - important in any setting, but especially teaching. When you talk to students about their career, it's a professional career no matter what industry. So communication should be professional.
I totally agree with your comments Nicole. For example, there are times when emails are received, and one might think the communication was from a student in elementary school. Very little care to made to utilize correct grammar, sentence structure, etc. Therefore, whenever, emails are sent to students, much care is taken to ensure the intended message is clear, and proper English is used to convey the message. Students see this and eventually fall in line.
Elton & Nicole,
Thanks for bringing new ideas to the forefront. What you have discussed will help others think carefully about crafting messages so that they are not misunderstood. Thanks for your input.
When establishing a pattern of communication, consistency and feedback are the two most imortant things to consider. The reasons are beacuse consistency will help establish guidleines of what is accpetable and what is not acceptable, and feedback in general adds to the body of knowledge.
Consistency is important in establishing and maintaining guidelines/policies/etc. Thanks for your input.
I believe that clarity and frequency are important. Once should ensure that all communications should be clear in order to avoid any miscommunication.
I believe that instructors need to provide frequent communication to keep the students motivated. I taught online classes where it was acceptable to respond every 48 hours and it was acceptable to post broad responses. However, there were occurences of students posting incorrect information, accepted by other students. It was a job to correct the misconceptions if I waited 48 hours. I have, also, seen students become frustrated because they did not receive quick responses to questions that arose when attempting to complete assignments.
A 48 hour rule is fine. Just make sure the students know this rule. And, stick with it. Nice job.
I think that the most important issue when communicating in the discussion board is when the instructor posts a topic that requires the students to respond that it should be very clear as to what is being asked. I have taught many online classes which are developed by an SME who posted the initial discussion board topic from which students are supposed to respond and end up receiving emails from students because they are so confused as to what is being asked. When communicating with students the instructor should try to view any questions from their perspective as they may or more possibly may not have any experience in the subject matter.
For example, if leading a discussion on Risk Management, the instructor should be specific and state "please provide examples of Risk Management within a hospital setting" even if it is a health care class, as Risk Management is practiced in every industry.
The other important consideration is providing constructive criticism without squelching the spirit of the student.
For example, if a student has posted a response to a classmate that states "Good job, I learned so much, keep up the good work", I try to encourage students to continue to provide positive feedback to their classmates, but then take the response to the next level by including additional information that will further the discussion.
I believe it is important to clearly communicate how soon they will receive a response from the instructor (for example, within 24 hours). It is also important to explain how to get help and with what kinds of issues (for example, when to contact the instructor, when to contact tech support, when to look for the information within the course).
Secondly, the tone of communication is extremely important. I try to set the correct tone with the welcome to class email, as well as with every email sent to students (both group and individual emails).
Thank you,
Elena Martignon
Yes, setting expectations for your students is essential. This helps set the tone for the discussions. Thanks for your input.
Yes, these are very important guidelines. Students need to know ahem they will receive feedback, how to communicate, and various other details. Thanks.
I believe that the two most important factors to consider when establishing a pattern of communication are the following:
1. Consistency – I feel that is essential to be consistent in how you communicate with your students, so they will know what to expect from you. If you always respond back to their e-mails with a response e-mail within a specified time frame, they will be more comfortable using that method of communication where appropriate. If you grade their submitted work and give them feedback in a consistent manner – same method and time frame, they will know exactly what to expect from you and it does not keep them wondering how they are doing in the class.
2. Clarity – Establish clear and concise rules of communication with your students. It is important to tell them the how, when, what, and why for all forms of communication within the classroom environment. If the rules of communication are explained and communicated properly to the students, they will know exactly how they should submit work, respond to feedback, communicate questions and problems, and the rules interaction with other students as well as with the instructor. This will minimize the confusion and frustration level of the students and the teacher.