Understand the role generations play in communication in the online co
What seems to happen is the older students have the ability to exercise judgment, offer moderation, a reasonable assessment of fact patterns, the younger students may lack the ability to make close calls and are at times unwilling to change their viewpoints as new information is presented to them.
You are right. The older students have more experience in these things. You may want to start with a younger student trying to change an older student's viewpoint and then vice versa.
Hi Marshall,
Because I am one year outside of the baby boomer age rage, my thinking is very old school. I have come to learn that all generations are participating in the online environment. I thought it was the older generation until I started receiving e-mails like text messages. I was accepting of them at first, but now, responding in the e-mail traditional format is a requirement. When I receive responses from students, especially outside of the baby boomer generation, the responses are not one of ownership; more like, "what do you expect me to do? I don't have a car," or I don't have asitter to watch my baby so I need an extension. It can be pretty easy to tell the generations by the responses.
Letitia and Marshall,
Real life experience. Now you understand how some of your students feel. Nice job.