I think that promoting collaboration between students and active learning are the most important ones. Online class is a learning community and the best learning comes from active participation and involvement in that community. Students should not only seek to communicate with the instructor but also with peers in the class, and take an active responsibility on their own learning. When I was in a school to become a psychotherapist, I was told that "a good therapist does not assume the responsibility of healing...this is the client's job." I think that a good instructor does not assume the responsibility for students' learning, this is the responsibility of students.
High expectations are important as long as they are accepted by students. Prompt feedback is also important although I think that students vary with their need for this, and what they consider prompt.
I believe prompt feedback is critical in the online learning environment. This includes both discussion feedback and gradebook feedback. If we are not prompt with our feedback, then students get the impression we don't value what they have posted and sometimes even the class itself. Prompt feedback also helps to redirect a student who may have missed the mark. Asking questions allows the student to give further information and improve his or her work before the deadline.
Additionally, encouraging interaction with students and instructor is vitally important. Students often don't quite understand the value in a discussion forum and why it is relevant so drawing them in and encouraging their interaction with each other helps to build community. Interaction between student and instructor communicates the message that we are available and vested in their success and creates those open channels of communication so if a student has something come up, they are likely to reach out rather than leave us (the instructors) wondering what happened to the student.
What a great post! You get it!!!! It is important that the objectives drive the course not the textbook. Accreditation really makes this a reality. It is important to student success. We build in the real world application within the objectives. The textbook is just a tool. I have colleagues using open sources instead of textbooks.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Thank you for you comment. We tend to ignore unintentionally the interaction among our students. That is what separates us from correspondence courses. BTW, I love your quote. Mine similar to that is "yes the course is student center but that also means student responsible."
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Do you give students a choice to accept them? What happens if the don't? Is that flunking?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You are right about prompt feedback. Our institution requires us to give a statement of feedback regarding grading. It sets our expectations.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Dr. Wilkinson,
All principles of learning are essential for online teaching. If I had to choose two of them, I would go with the following:
1. Encouraging contact between students and instructors-- this contact is essential for student's success. Contact is encouraged to identify pitfalls, and increase of communication.
2. Provide prompt feedback-- students need prompt feedback in discussions and/or assignments to know instructor's expectations of assignments and succeed in the course. I find that providing prompt feedback, especially in the first week sets a standard for the rest of the semester. Students are aware of the instructor's grading scale and style and know what to expect.
It looks like you believe in creating a relationship with the student. That is such a great way to engage students. You can really bee the facilitator/guide in their learning.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
The most important principals of learning are "emphasize time on task" and "encourage active learning." If students cannot manage time, then they will not be able to complete assignments and learn. Additionally, regardless of the career a student chooses, s/he must develop critical thinking skills and know how to interact effectively with other people. Active learning promotes this.
I believe the most important principle of learning for online teaching is to encourage contact between the students and instructors. Often times, students are afraid to reach out to the instructor for fear of being judged that they don't know or understand the course content. Actually, that is the purpose of taking the class. I try to encourage my student to ask questions and contact me immediately if they do not understand something. This is critical for the online setting because unlike face to face setting the instructor cannot see the students and read body language that would suggestion a need for additional explanation of the course content or just general question that could help the student be more successful. I find that student will submit an assignment and put in the comment section "I did not understand how to do this assignment." Timely communication and an environment that invites questions is key to improving student success.
There are two Principles of Learning which I believe are most important and has the most benefit to my students.
Communication is absolutely key so "Encourage contact between students and instructor" is at the top of the list. When a bond is formed through communication, stress is minimized for the student and the opportunity for learning is heightened. Then, the student does not feel alone in the LMS and reaches out to the instructor more often.
Next, successful online students are self-motivated. I consistently encourage my students to participate and take ownership of their education. The Principle "Encourage active learning" is also just as important. When students buy into the realization that they own and control their education and learning by their participation, they are more motivated to be successful.
While all seven principles are important, I believe these few are critical for success in the online learning environment:
*Stay in contact with instructor and other students.
*Participate and be active in your learning.
*Expect high expectations and "live up" to those expectations.
I believe that the one that is least utilized and the one that at the same time, could make an enormous difference is collaborating with the instructor. I would love for a student to drop in during my office hours, live chat or simply call me to engage into discussion about the topic at hand. Instead, most of the students email me to complain when they do not get a grade they want or to inform me they need extra time. They miss out on the one-on-one interaction, not because it is a virtual setting, but because they are shying away from direct contact.
As an instructor, timely feedback is key for all students so they understand what the instructor is looking for. This also helps them to stay on track with the course. I also Encourage contact between students and instructor by posting office hours and checking email through out the day.
I've been teaching online for over 10 years now and I've found several of the principles to be very important. A lot of interaction with the students is essential. Active learning plays a big role. Prompt feedback is also important because it keeps the students motivated and interested. Setting expectations is critical to a successful course as well.
The most important principle for learning is the students understanding his or her role to successfully complete an on line course. The students should establish a level of accountability; accepting the responsibility to be engaged in the course. Students should understand the requirements as outlined by the syllabus and emphasized by the instructor. The students should also interact with the instructor to communicate and request clarity as well as interact with their peers. I believe students can learn from their peers as well.
The three principles I focus on are to 1) Encourage active learning 2)Provide prompt feedback and 3) Emphasize time on task.
Online learning is different than on ground because the student needs to be active in their learning and to constantly be able to focus it on real world applications.
Second is providing prompt and detailed feedback. Students need to know how well they are doing, what they are doing wrong and how to improve it. Quick and effective feedback enables all three objectives to be satisfied allowing the student an accurate measure of their performance so they are able to improve it.
Finally I emphasis there are no short cuts. You need to spend the necessary time on the task if you are to master it. This means they need to start the assignments early to have the time to do well on them.