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The importance of Rubrics. I never use them so this will be a big change for me. 

I like the idea of using a rubric to assess the students' communication within the course. Different types of assigned posts can help students to feel a sense of community within the online classroom.

Developing that sense of community is fostered through collaboration and communication and that can be hard depending on the varying generations in  an online course setting? Just remember the art of communication is just that an art form.

I am curious.  I am a habitual user of rubrics.  I actually teach a mini lesson about rubrics:  how to read them, decipher them, reword them and then how to let the rubric guide the students' time managment, etc.  I use rubrics found online but edit them to suit my audience and purpose.  I guess you could say, my classes, especially English classes are rubric oriented.  I always give a rubric with the assignments and regularly refer students back to that rubric. Does anyone else depend so heavily on their rubrics?  Is there an easier way to keep students focused, on task and in control of their own learning?


I loved the thought,  moving from a Face 2 Face teacher to an online teacher you are moving from the "Sage on the Stage" to the "Guide on the Side."  Effective online teacher faciliate learning by setting up a Code of Conduct and clear communication guidelines.  The guidelines need to include clear rubrics on communication to be provided before activities.


Effective online facilitation = engage, guide, and motivate learners, and provide a safe and conducive environment for learning.

Communicating a value statement through a syllabus or code of conduct.

having good and open communication, along with a rubric system, is a way to help a instructor succeed online


In this module, the concept of creating an online community was discussed repeatibly. As a student using online courses, I have never felt the neccessity of participating in an online community where we share personal information. I am not thinking that it is a wrong concept, just that I have never experienced the need. It was suggested that students should provide a introduction that should include: 

  • Their name
  • Their current job and/or company
  • A brief history of work experience
  • A brief list of interesting experiences
  • What they would like to learn in this course

Another suggestion was to create a separate area for socialization. Again, interesting concept, just one I have not experienced (as a student) in my online courses.

Rubrics are a great way to show an instructors expectations and give student immediate feedback


I learned the importance of using a rubic to assess students which helps to provide consistentsy and transparency throughout the course.

I learned that collaboration and communication are important components of a rubric.  


Rubrics are concise easy to understand ways of communicating expectations of student communication.  Don't make them too heavy or they could stifle communication.   They work with ranges of points 01 for low, say 2-3 for medicum, 4-5 for high in each area.  The rubrics should be published early.   A community of learners can ask each other questions that relate to their backgrounds only when they are feeling comfortable, and that is often the sign of a community.    Communication and collaboration are hand in hand and the two levels to consider in communication.


Developing lessons that encourage Collaboration instead of lessons that allow for divide and conquer is key to developing a sense of community within the online classroom


I found it interesting about building the community and that once communciaton on boards start you will know when the community has come together.  Also, the movment between commuicaiton and collaboration (1 vs several).

I wrote this down from the module because it says it all.  "One of the ultimate goals should be to facilitate learning while building community."  Just because they are online students doesn't mean they are not your classroom. 


Online communications must be encouraged by the course facilitator. You should initially set up a rubric to establish guidlines to class discussions. Students should be encouraged to involve themselves in discussion. You can assist in this by asking the students questions instead of simply stating facts. Do not respond immediately to students responses, allow discussion to transpire before you interject. 

Communication, collaboration and the use of rubrics are all key components.  


Communicating with Students --> Measuring Good Communication

As an istructor, I will try to enhance a sense of community. It is important to not only communicate academically, but be able to offer communication on a personal note to create dialogue; hence, engaging students.

A rubric is a good tool to have prior to a scheduled assisgnment. Its provideds a guide to the student regarding grading. 

A rubric for communication, collaboration and safe community is key to student engagement in quality discutions and learning outcomes.

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