Technology is critical in the online environment. Instructors will probably stick with pc's or laptops but students will use several methods including phones. Software and LMS have to let you deliver online content in a meaningful way, including a virtual classroom.
I find it interesting to hear how there is current technology available that can help support the student with services and help with their involvement. Institutions can take between 3-5 years to adopt these programs.
I leqrned the importance in technology for online learning and how the students perceived technology in their learning process.
Technology plays a critical role in creating an engaging online student experience. In particular, technology influences one’s ability to adequately interact with students and be responsive to their needs. With the proper systems in place, institutions will be better equipped to meet online students’ needs and support retention efforts.
Not only is technology important in learning, but it is important to be able to use as a metric to determine success of those that will use it in their professional role
Technology is essentially the backbone of online learning. I recall the days of distance learning before the internet when it was conducted using snail mail and video tapes as the instructional medium. The more interactive and easier to use the LMS the better the experience for the student. This also includes digital materials, which more schools are including as part of the tuition cost. This then touches on the point of adaptative learning platforms as well as simulations to help facilitate learning in new and innovative ways. An asynchronous discussion board can be a very lonely and disengaging experience for students who are regulated to discussion questions and required participation posts.
I plan to use video conferencing early on in the course so we can put faces to names. I also hope to use video conferencing during office hours. I believe this is an important component of the online environment.
learned that technology places a very important role in an online course. Which i already knew, but its interesting to see how much.
Found this interesting: Although online students are likely to use the phone to interact with institutional personnel, text-based technologies dominate online learning programs.
47% regarded internet as crucial as food, water, & shelter ? Had no idea.
semsory rich communication like video conferencing is often lacking in on line classes , which can lead to miscommunication or misconstrued messages
Online courses are just one aspect of the technologies used in web based learning.
I have so far found that technology and online learning to be an asset to students. They have told me that they appreciate the lectures and demonstrations being recorded, as they are able to revisit them and absorb the information at their own pace. Technology is as always a toolset, and not a panacea.
Putting in different types of techonlogy can be very helpful, be careful not to put too many different systems in because it could be overwhelming to new online learners.
After going through this topic, I also support the fact that technology improves the academic experience of learners. Use of technology has improved exposure to more research materials. Likewise, the skills of applying the internet among the students has been improved considerably.
The Role of Technology is the future of learning. Key technology systems such as traditional student specific records, school and department web sites, now include several LMS, various portals (email, library, newsand professional organizations) and possibly newer student relationship (SRM) software. The eclipse of face to face learning with ongoing inovation of technology in learning is pervasive. Technology-mediated communication is now the standard in learning and requires adaptation to make efficent use of the available options.
La tecnología permite que el estudiante tenga mayor libertad, pero esto siempre trae aparejada una mayor responsabilidad, teniendo que incluir dentro del proceso metacognitivo, una forma de gestionar el tiempo y las actividades.
Communicating with students through technology is quite different from face-to-face interactions. Education professionals need to be aware of these differences if they wish to develop strong working alliances with students they may never meet face-to-face.
Technology is of critical importance and is considered by many to be as important as water, food and air. Using technology that allows for a social presence may help with student engagement.