In this module I learned the importance of understanding different technology trends and methods of communication in an online environment. The technology trends are key to organizing an online program and using the different methods of communication can help reinforce the human interaction of an online environment. I agree that synchronous video conference is a method of connecting with the student that humanizes the experience, but all methods of communication should be used.
Even though courses through online learning platforms use technology to deliver content, it is vital for students to still have human contact with other students and their instructor.
I have learned by experience there are times and topics, not to use technology for communication, for instance, if it is turning into a back and forth and escalating. And the FERPA for texts is 'Hi, I sent you an email for you to check on this topic', is about all you can say in a text.
Students need to be prepared for the technology needs of online courses. Campus advisors and enrollment specialists need to screen students who might need remedial technology training. It's not my job as an instructor to know how every operating system on every phone, computer and tablet work.
For me, my main concern which was reflected in this section is the lack of social cues. I try to assume the best of people online, but sometimes things really csan come across wrong.
Technology is critical for the success of students and teachers. We currenlty live in a world that is deeply intertwined with technology. As online educators this is vital to our success and that of our students.
The most important thing I have learned in being an educator using LMS systems is patience and understanding. Not all students come in with the same insights and technological experience. I do believe that online education will continue to grow in the future.
Using technology consciously can bring great benefits.
The use of technology is a great tool to accomplish distance learning.
We need to alow students to use all this devices to enhance their learning and adjust their own schedule and time.
Considering the tools of preference for students to communicate exercising simiiar tools would be beneficial for both student and teacher
I will work on including a short viseo at start of each week's persentation.
Margaret De
I have understood that the fact of being updated and trained on the latest technological trends is very important to be up to date with the use of tools that can support and facilitate our academic training processes.
Actually, communication mediated by technology has been a challenge since we must be careful to analyze how messages are interpreted and to what extent they can influence students, as explained in the material, text-based social presence lacks signals which makes them more difficult to interpret if they are not done correctly unlike a video through which we can transmit visual signals and body language which facilitates communication and what we want to share and this can change the way we that our message is interpreted by our students.
Technology is very important in an online course and as tutors we must create a possitive relationship and connections with our students through technology.
Good evening: this chapter has left me a great learning. I am very interested in learning about trends in online education as well as breaking the ice on screens through social presence. It has motivated me to make more content with human warmth.
Thank you very much.
technology is important for learning at this stage of history, students manage different platforms and media, now education does not require going to a classroom.
Los videos en presencia social son muy efectivos con nuestros estudiantes, nosotros lo llevamos a nuestro mundo y a ellos les gusta.
La tecnología está cambiando constantemente, por ello los instructores debemos estar pendientes de las tendencias tecnológicas para utilizarlas en la retención de los estudiantes. Para ello podemos hacer uso de diferentes sitios que proporcionan noticias, conferencias, talleres, seminarios, programas de certificación para educadores.
La comunicación mediada por la tecnología (TMC) no solamente consiste en enviar mensajes por correo electrónico y listo. La educación en línea requiere tener una presencia social para que los estudiantes sientan que no se les considera como un número más, sino como personas que se están comunicando con seres humanos reales en entornos virtuales. El video es uno de los medios que mejor apoyan la presencia social.
Como instructores debemos reflexionar sobre nuestro actuar y responder, ¿cómo ha sido hasta ahora mi presencia social en los cursos en línea?
Reply to Amy Palma's post:
Hola Amy, comparto su interés por conocer las tendencias en educación en línea. Al reflexionar sobre esto creo que no he estado haciendo la debida actualización.
Por otra parte, también debo mejorar mi presencial social, me he propuesto hacer videos de bienvenida en mis cursos en línea para que mis estudiantes me conozcan y puedan ver ese "lenguaje no verbal" para poder transmitirles confianza.
La comunicacion mediada por la tecnología es la que se utiliza en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje por tanto es indispensable que tanto docentes como estudiantes sean capaces de redacsr mensajes apropidados y además sean capaces de interpretar estos mensajes.
En este Modulo he aprendido que la tecnologia utilizada adecuadamente puede ayudarnos a transmitir ideas y establecer contactos de una forna bastante semejante a una situación cara a cara.
Como docentes debemos conocer las tendencias de la tecnologia usadas para en aprendizaje y permanecer alertas a las distintas maneras en que podemos asistir adecuadamente a nuestros estudiantes