FeedBack - From Students
I am amazed that I was taking this course at the same time a particular issue arrived in my class. A student yelled out in class that I was going to fast for him. He rarely comes to class and is behind on his subject matter, etc. Although he was embarrassed, I felt immediate feedback was justified. I asked him to step outside the room, so that I could speak with privately. I not only corrected the out burst, but I also addressed the future issues concerned with class attendance and class/homework. He was receptive.
Then after class, another student asked to speak with me privately. She explained that she ADHD and was having difficulty maintaining the pace. She is a very good hard with perfect attendance.
Then, I realized that I needed to make some adjustments to the time that I spend on certain areas. Although one feedback was good and one was bad, the fact was I needed to slow down with this group.
I find student feedback very useful. Sometimes it is negative because they are not doing well in the class. However, once you can detect a pattern then you can often make adjustments so there is a better overall learning experience. As an instructor it is often hard to understand the student experience without being open to the feedback.
Hi Marc, thanks for your comments. I have found too that student feedback can really help us adapt our teaching style to best reach our students. Even though it may be difficult to reach every learning style in the classroom, feedback helps us to reach as many students as we can with the subject at hand.
Jay Hollowell