Micro managers
In the corporate world there may be many different levels of supervisors for a department/project. In a perfect world, we should primarily have to answer to our immediate supervisor. To who's style of management do we adjust? To whom are we most answerable?
I am someone that I consider being self-sufficient , once i get an assignment I follow through and usually don"t like to have someone looking over my shoulder every step of the way , so I tend to me a little defensive when asked about every single step that i make . Micro management may create friction with works most of the time
I agree. micro managing can make an employee feel that the manager does not trust their work or ability to do their job. As the employee I would suggest that you try to discuss this with your boss unless you have found out that this is his/her management style. In this case it is good to try to just double check everything so thta the boss can see that your work doesnot always need to be evaluated