Overcoming a first firing
I have been working for around 19 years in the same profession. I am currently gainfully employed, but about a year ago I was "fired" for the first time ever. I have asked my former employer for some explanation, but have still not gotten a solid response. I'm trying to let this go, but have noticed the stress of it affecting the way I interpret information from my new job (which is done mostly electronically). Any suggestions or like stories?
We are truly in a different age when it comes to employees. The issues of termination have been influenced by legal actions taken by past terminations. Legal advisors often communicate to their clients to dismiss people with only the necessary information an no more. The days of explanation has gone by the side. Not that I agree with human concern and explanation being left out but we need to understand the precedent of past employees misusing honest dialogue has caused employers to be cautious. The best for your is now you can start a new chapter. It can be exciting. Someone with 19 years of experience has no doubt some valuable skills in your profession. Believe in yourself.
Dr. Gary Carlson
My whole school is closing. We all have a terminated date. Unfortunately, the economy has hurt our school. We all have done our best and beyond. However, it feels I have been fired for first time. I can sympathize with Calvin; I am actually going through the same battle to give my best to my students and stop thinking about we all be out in few months. It is a sense of feeling like you have cancer and you know you are going to die BUT nothing we can do about it now but keep living to the fullest while alive. All anxiety and stress techniques could help me but rely upon God is what has given me the strength. Knowing that he has a better plan for me and for each of us who loves him and believes in him is what most supports my hurt heart. To be honest, it has been difficult to focus and tune out the sadness; but we can do it!; we need to trust things are going to be alright and things will be alright and better than ever!; Sometimes, we do not know why it happens to us, but things just happens . Today we have, tomorrow we won’t. We need to learn how to be happy at all times: in difficult times and in great times. Focus in the future will distract us, focus in the pass will destroy us; just focus on the day you are just living now. Little by little the pain will go without paralyzing you and stopping you from a better qualified job where you can actually use the skills developed in the last 19 years. Calvin, God needed you in a different place; don’t ask why just let God shows you the new excited pathway. I know it hurts, I am very hurt, but you will be alright and better than ever as I will.
I am truly sorry for your loss of job. I can tell you have a sincere love for your students and profession. I have been in education now going on 43 years and can tell you we do have our ups and downs. Stress techniques are important practices for your health. You have the best technique in place with your faith. God always has a plan for us and having faith in him will lead you in the correct direction even when we don't know where that is. Don't let what seems to be a set back stop you from growing and moving forward. This is a reflective time when you can plan a new chapter in your life. Believe it or not most of the time you come out with something better than you had. There is always a need for great teachers. Open up your heart and mind to new ideas and opportunities. They are there for you. You just need to maintain confidence in yourself. Many people believe in you as well as God. I will work for you. Keep your strong faith and it will happen for you. Balance in your life requires good health habits, mental activity, recreation and spiritual rejuvenation. Trust in yourself and get your head up.
Good Luck,
I would love to hear about your next challenge!
Dr. Gary Carlson