Forward Focused Evaluations
Discuss why focusing on predictive indicators of positive outcomes is much more likely to provide insights for improvement of online instruction than using lagging indicators that focus on negative results. (Predictive indicators - data demonstrated though regression analysis indicating activities to be accomplished (by individual students) to contribute to higher student performance. Lagging indicators - data demonstrated through correlations to possibly have contributed to documented lower student performance.)
Recognizing and fostering positive behaviors provides a more accurate platform for continuous improvement. Regression analysis that links course content delivery methods with accomplishment of the course objectives is very powerful. Faculty who are aware of the indicators for student success can intervene early in the course life cycle with students who are not demonstrating the success indicators. Lagging indicators are vague ~ there are too many variables that contribute to student performance including student commitment, interest in the topic, outside influences such as family obligations or employment). It is too late to intervene with a student if we wait to analyze the lagging indicators.
Good point. The extraneous variables you identified are rarely factored into analyses of lagging indicators, but they are frequently part of the overall scenario. Well stated.
Dr. S. David Vaillancourt
Recognition of creative thinking in students is a powerful way to encourage them in exploring the subject material. Student activities/assignments that allow the student to express interest in certain aspects of the subject material allow a form of individualism in the classroom. Such creativity can be appropriately reviewed on a personal level with the student, thus reinforcing interest in pursuing the subject.
The instructor who becomes involved with proactive and creative means of learning and processing subject material will develop a more effective handle on the student learning outcomes and utlimately the assessment of the course.