Definitions of words
why is it important to know the definitions of words and terms associated with marketing and the admissions process?
Becuase using the terms directed allows coherance throughout the profession of Admissions Coordinators.
If we do not define the terms, we cannot be be sure that we are using them in the legal and intended manner.
Patty Aronoff
Absolutely we must all be on the same page, speaking the same language. It ensures compliance and clear understanding.
Patty Aronoff
beause it ensoures understanding and compliance
The words and terms are defined by Florida Rules and Statutes and regulate the admissions process.
You are going to be asked all sort of questions and need to be able to respond as quickly and promptly as possible.
For instance, I was at a public college and I asked the admission personnel who was the institutions placement director and she did not have a clue what I was talking about. This led to a problem because, I immediately felt discomfort and clueless.She did not have the correct information to provide me with and it did not appear to be as professional as expected. Due to this I immediately got my things and walked out the door being forced to attend another institute.
This is why I strongly suggest learning all the definitions of words and terms. That way you wont make someone feel the way I felt.
I mean seriously, what would you do if you were looking at it from a students point of view and you were provided with incorrect information or not given any sort of information whats so ever?
Absolutely! It is a language within itself. In order for understanding we need to know what the terms mean and how are they used.
Patty Aronoff
You have brought a very important point to the forum with your personal experience. If we cannot quickly respond to a question such as that, we have opened the window of doubt. I would have reacted the same as you. Very good advice...put yourself in the position of the student and what do you see?
Patty Aronoff
You have no idea how much doubt I had at the moment about the school, I felt disillusioned with all the high expectations I had prior to that. I immediately found myself thinking twice about my decision of enrolling into that school and decided to take my education somewhere where I felt more secure and sure that the teachers as well as the staff knew what they were talking about.This is why I strongly insist that all school personnel have to learn all the terms and definitions. Otherwise, you will loose students, time and money.As well as endangering your reputation and risking your job position.But, this makes me wonder. Why would they hire someone who doesnt know the correct or any information about their job position?
The definition is important to ensure that there are no deception in the message or breach in the rules that govern the school.
Your post is very thought provoking and outlines the controversy that has shaken our sector. For some schools, it is all about changing studnt's lives and the efforts they put forward reflect that mission. For others, it is about the enrollment, the sale and the student is not the priority. Unfortunately, it is the latter that makes the news and remains in people's minds. Operating with integrity and honesty is the only way to conduct business.
Patty Aronoff
Definitions are the creation of understanding. We bring these definitions to the forefront as they are often foreign to the prospective student.
Patty Aronoff
It is very important to know the definitions and terms in admissions dept to insure that we as admissions reps provide the most accuate and professional imformation to prospective students so that they may choose the program right for them.
Dalia Kennedy,
Absolutely! If we do not know the terms, we could easly mislead the prospective student.
Patty Aronoff