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Understanding your institution

It is very essential to know your school and all the different departments your school has to offer. You want to leave a potential student feeling that they are excited about enrolling that they have made the best choice possible for their future. So it is best to stay knowledgeable of all the different careers associated with the different programs so when the potential student asks you, you will be able to tell them the different fields that they will be able to go into once they have completed their degree.

I completely agree Kim. The school runs as a whole, even though many different departments make up that school. It is important and benificial to our students to know, understand and share this information in a positive and fluent way.

Students need to see cohesion amongst the departments of the school. It gives them more confidence in the choice that they are making to attend that school. It is so important for Admissions to have close relationships with other departments, especially Career Services, in order to be able to offer our students everything that the school experience is really going to offer them. It might be tough and there will be road blocks in the way, but we as a school are behind you and here to support you.

Yes , yes and yes ! The cool part is painting the picture for the students so that when they meet the different departments they feel at home and comfortable with their decision. As I say all the time , we are the front line, so the picture we create must be what the see when the get to the campus !

I definitely agree with this statement regarding knowledge of your institution. I am just learning about all the degrees and programs offered at my school, but I definitely know that this detailed and specific information is vital to present to the prospective student so he or she knows exactly what to expect. This will also aid me in adding to the student's excitement and motvation to join the school! It will also help me to better assist studetns and answer any questions!

I am in the process of learning about the degrees and programs offered here. I like to put myself in a prospective student's shoes and understand as much as I possibly can in order to help a student make good decisions about their future. I hope to take some classes as well so that I can have the full experience that a student has.

I completely agree. Not only is it extremely important to understand what you're starting the student in (for your own knowledge), but so frequently I'll talk to students who tell me they want to do _____ as a career, but want ______ degree. Often times, those two don't match and it's important to inform them of what that program can actually offer for them. Make sure it's what they want and that they understand what career field that is. To help them best in this area, I need to understand the different degrees and career fields, myself.

we should understand students first. this will put them in the right path towards a education

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