engaging students in the process
I have found that engaging students in the process has shown to have better outcomes.
Engaging students is good for a few reasons, one if they understand what is going on with all the paper work they are less likely to say on the survey they felt rushed through the process. Also if they understand what is going on they will be more likely to ask questions as they arise and feel more comfortable with you. You have to set an open enviroment for them so they know they can come to you for answers.
I agree engaging students is a wonderful process because it helps them see the process and helps keep them accountable.
It is always a good solution to advise students to read their catalog. This will reinforce waht we are telling them.
It is also advisable to point out where to go to find resources for their answers. This will save headaches when there are disputes.
Engaging with the student in the process is what brings excitement to my job.
Engaging students in the process of paper work is definitley important so that they will understand exactly whats going on and they wont be confused about anything.
When you engage the students in the process they seem are better prepared for what to expect and readily prepared to handle things that may come up.
I agree. Engaging students in the process is very instrumental to the own success. It allows the student to paint their own picture of what success means to them. It allows the student to voice and hear in their own words where they want to go. Making them accoutable.