Is Compliance an Action or a Result?
It has been said that if you do the right thing and have students' best interest at heart, compliance is more of a result than it is an action. Please comment.
i agree with this statment, however you do need to make sure you are following the rules and regs that are in place for the protections of the student and make sure they are well informed
This statement is largely true; however an overzealous "helpful" employee could find themselves in hot water while honestly keeping the students' best interest at heart. Example: student not having glasses and wanting to submit FAFSA info, the "helpful" employee may feel tempted to key in the information for the student.
I believe that it is both an action and result. If you do what is best for the student in all aspects, then you should be in compliance. It also varies on what an individual decides is best for the student. What someone might think is best for the student, may actually not be very good for the student at all.
Like the others have said, someone could try to be overly helpful and unknowingly break a rule. This is why it is important to learn and understand the regulations.
Misrepresentation whether intentional or unintentional can cause the exact same damage to a schools reputation. The best practice is to provide training so that all employees fully understand the rules and regulations that relate to their job description. The action is training and the result is compliance. :)
Cindy Bryant
I think it is both. You can't have a result with out an action.
I think it's both result and action. Although we do need to have the students best interest at heart we still need to be careful ad follow the rules and regulations and not be "over helpful"
I think being in compliance is a wonderful and honest thing that students do see and from that the result is that they enroll
What a great point. Sometimes in our effort to assist students we tend to overcompensate for their weaknesses (helicopter mom). While assistance and customer service is vital to the academic experience so is guidance, mentorship and the opportunity for the student to grow intellectually and emotionally.
Cindy Bryant
This is so true but we need to emphasize that we are not able to help them with entering the information, they will need to come back or complete at home.