With FERPA you need to err on the side of caution and keep student's information protected and confidential.
Through this course I learned the importance of privacy and confidentiality to give proper care to our students, and to whom it may concern. Always ensuring to maintain the best quality standards as an educational institution.
After comleting this FERPA module, I would say the biggest takeaway is to treat any record as an Educational Record when it comes to disclosing/sharing the information while also familiarizing myself with the importance of protecting sole possession notes. While these can be helpful to the person making the notes, they can be damaging to an institution and students, and should not be shared or should be destroyed in the event of changing roles before another staff or faculty comes into possession of them.
It's also really important for all staff and faculty with access to student education records to be familiar with FERPA. I taught at the University of Arizona for almost 15 years and was never required to take any FERPA training - YIKES!
It's important to note that it's our responsibility to protect student's information, especially when dealing with online classes and requests. I intend to apply this by double checking any requests and verifying who the students want to disclose information to. I also found it interesting that the instuttion can rewrite compliance guidelines and policies if they become noncompliant.
No - enforcement can include cease and desist orders, recovery of funds,withholding of future payments, requirement of a compliance agreement, or otherpotential actions, but there is no specific fine associated with FERPA violations.
this stresses the importance of being aware of students' rights, who has access to the educational records, and that accessing such information should only be held in the student's educational interest
Gained clarity on FERPA rules and regulations.
Confidentiality in students records and policy that protects vital information from just merely being given away
I have learned that student privacy is paramount. If I even for a second feel something is off, I should ask for an Admission Rep to take over. (They have the ability to preform things with privacy) I work at the front desk, so it can be difficult at certain times to keep things provate. Like if I have multiple students at my desk at the same time.
I am aware that student privacy is important but, this explains a few points that I was not familiar with.
As a new clinical instructor, learning about FERPA was important to me. It gave me a better understanding of the importance of protecting the student's records and rights.
I learned that an instituion has 45 days when FERPA is being challanged and also learned that there is such a thing as sole possession of records.
Those who have access to a student's record due to teaching a class should only access the grades related to their own class. Faculty must protect their students' privacy by being personally accountable.
Good review of general information to remember.
I was not aware that when a student request their educational record or dispute information that the institution is allowed 45 days to reply and provide said information. But I am glad to have my knowledge increased and refreshed with the FERPA and Privacy training activity.
I like knowing the specifics of 45 day turn around to release information. Clients are typically so focused and persistant, this provides time for review and accuracy.
FERPA is designed to protect the student’s rights regarding accessing their student files
An adult student has the right to privacy regarding his/her student records, and also the right to access his/her records. I understand there is some challenge when it comes to gaining permission from student for spouse/family members who wish to gain access to the student records.
Didn't know personal notes once shared were now part of the public file.