I am great with the students that ask a lot of questions and participate. Its the students that dont raise their hands and that are super nervous that I struggle with. What if they are too shy to communicate that they are bad test takers?
Great feedbaclk to the student Shelly not to mention the word test. The student is probably very thankful to you.
@s101crider :Funny you say that this past group I worked with i had to specifically say Assessment of Knowledge!!!.. AoK!!!!
Shelly, What an excellent idea! Your wisdom in removing the fear with just a simple word change. Here is another idea that might compliment your teaching technique. Ask your students to read the chapter before your lecture. Just read, do not study or underline, just read. Tell them your lecture will point out the important parts of the chapter. This technique motivates them to read and attend the lecture.
I had a student who literally got sick everytime I mentioned we were having a test....so I started using the word review and she never got sick! It might be worth a try for you.