How should you address the issue when you find that a colleague in your office has violated a student’s FERPA rights?
I would discuss the situation with my colleague and explain why it is considered to be violation to FERPA's regulations. If it is not the first time my colleague violated a student's FERPA right and/or it is a severe violation, I would report the situation to our immediate supervisor.
If it were a minor issue, I would probably talk to the employee and advise them to learn about FERPA. If it were a second violation or a mayor one, I would report them to their supervisor!
For the first offence, I would pull that person aside and let them know what the issue is and the severity off the issue. Also encourage them to asking a coworker or supervisor about what is an appropriate way to deal with student issues.
If this is a repeat offender, the direct supervisor should be notified. You should document that you made said supervisor aware of the violation to protect yourself.
Reply to Michael Marajh's post:I agree documentaion is the key.