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It takes a village to provide great Career Service results. Every department plays an important role in student success, knowledge, and skill development. 


I have learned that is not JUST the responsiblity of the Career Services Department to help students and graduates start working in the field but it is the institution as a whole responsibility which really makes sense; it starst with the admissions rep becuase this is where the student first comes to learn about the school and forges a close relationship and trusts thier advice and then goes on to thier instructor who not only teaches and provides knowledge but also is their cheerleader and provides them encouragment and self esteem and then goes on to the admininstration (Dean, President, Directors, etc) wherein they must show thier face so students know they care and are doing thier job to help them be succesfful and they are not just a number and then to the Career Services Department both while they are in school and once they graduate (which will become thier closest connection and advocate, especailly once they graduate).


I thought it was interesting to see the data on career services staff. Although these centers can play a crucial role in student employment outcomes, many are understaffed. 

This modules demonstrates how many different individuals and departments work together within the institution to assist in students being able to achieve academic, technical, and career goals.  The approach is multifaceted and each facet plays an important role in success.  This module also clearly identifies the differences in what industry is looking for opposed to what academic colleges are attempting to provide in work readiness.  Career colleges offers more current skills for industry, but some gaps can be seen if the career colleges are not vigilent in their ability to follow trends in industry.

Everyone must understand their roles and responsibilities to be a ble to work together for the success of the students.

I intend to reach out to different companies and ask if internshios are possible. Also having an Advisory Group made up of different Companies could be useful in understanding what skills are needed.


This module emphisizes that it is the institutions responsibility to service the students to help them in reaching their goals.

One factor that impedes gainful employment with our students is their age.  Highly regulated industries are not able to hire students under the age of 18.  Students become discouraged by this fact.

Helping students to reach their career goals is the responsibility of the entire institution.


Reply to Frank Barcellos's post:I wonder if the reason for this is because this course seems to focus on post secondary education, rather than secondary level technical education.

There are many different people and departments involved in getting students ready for their future.  Everyone working as a team can greatly help a student on their path to success in a meaningful career

Some employers are demanding that entry-level students have higher skills than before.  This causes some jobs to go unfilled.  

There are many structural barriers related to CTE programs  that affect outcomes.

One very important stakeholder left out of the others represented by the Venn Diagram is that of the parent/guardian. They are so often overlooked as a huge part of educating students.

It truly takes a village to get students ready for gainful employment.  Many factors, both obvious and not obvious, are in play when considering whether a student will find success.  Many of our students work outside of school, provide childcare within their families, and have household responsibilities that affect their ability to learn and complete homework.  Although we cannot change many of these factors, we can encourage students to make school a priority and not to work more than what is required to pay bills in the household.  Informing students that their odds of graduating and gainful employment after graduation go up the more they prioritize their learning.


Reading this passage empasized the fact that there are many individuals and stake holders responsible for a student's employment after graduation. In addition to this, it is crucial to understand your student population to get an idea of the possible barriers that may affect employment after graduation. 


This module has reaffirmed there are many stakeholders that have an impact on employment rates. 


Although Career Services does provide resources for students and graduates to gain employment, the strategies and success of other departments within the institution are equally as important. 

I learned its not just Cateer Services responsible for placement outcome, all departments are responsible. In our univetsity, I see this in action. 

Career Services is a very important department within the institution. Our biggest job is to create long lasting relationships with our students, graduates and employers. 

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