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Initiating Engagement with Employers | Origin: CS115

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Developing and Maintaining Effective Employer Partnerships --> Initiating Engagement with Employers

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I enjoyed listening and learning between service based vs mission based pitches. 

I like the idea of branding your service and demostrate how it could benefit an employer. 

Great additional info about marketing and branding based on current knowledge


I am very new to my position and I have already heard some of the "objections" listed here. It was nice to hear some possible responses to them!


Im very new to this position, as well as to career services and one of my greatest challengess ha been employer outreach and relationship building - i really appreciate the insights, and suggestions this training program has to offer


My take-away was the service-based pitch versus the mission-based pitch. I never realized how I've been actively doing the service-based pitch, and I learned how I can reframe my conversations with prospective industry partners to the mission-based pitch. Having concrete examples of outcomes, and a pitch that focuses on how the value and benefits of our instituitions services can offer soultions to the industry partners needs will help us differentiate from other instiutions/programs. 

Lots to take in, marketing, branding, voice, personality, search engine optimization, etc. Lastly, how social meida has taken the stage by storm by being the primary use of communication.


Perhaps the most daunting aspect of this section was the calling section. It almost seems like you are a telemarketer. I guess, in some respects, you are. If possible, I'd think a meeting would be more beneficial than a call. 


I learned the importance and relevance of social media advertising.  It has risen over the last few years dramatically and reaches a wide audience.  Outreach through social media is very different than what I grew up learning but seems to be a sucessful tool I'm willing to try.  I also learned ways to avoid the brush off and being prepared with a stance and a pitch.  


How important it is to establish a Brand and carry the same messaging across all marketing tools that we utilize.

I learned the difference between service based and mission based approach when interacting with employers, learn about the company, actively listen to their needs, focus on the organization's feedback and needs.  

Here are a few takeaways from the content today...

Prospecting Employers: Great preparation needed; know who you want to contact and for what reason (ex. to hire students, as an advisor, etc.)

Goals, KPIs, and Benchmarks: Be specific! These are measurable ways to monitor success.

Pitching to Employers: Make it about what you can do for them!

Overcoming Objections: Connect with their statements, and offer sympathy while advancing the conversation. 

Marketing Services: Utilize the various social media platforms to expand your professional network!

Great info on marketing within goals as well as marketing services! 

It is important to get to know your students and their skill set to match them to the employers needs.
Set specific goals
Have a pitch/script that focuses on helping the employer
Be prepared for possible objections
Know your mission and what you offer

Validate the feelings of employers rather than getting defensive. The examples of phone calls were very helpful!

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