How do we improve or maintain student retention without having the proper resources to provide students
I think it should be done on a day to day basis to keep up with their daily in counters to offer help or direction to keep them focus.
Keeping students involved is key to success. Does your institution have a formal program to introduce new instructors to the support services that are available as well as instructions on how to access them?
As a new instructor I am beginning to see that keeping students involved in the entire process and making sure they know who to talk to when problems arise can surely help to keep them enrolled.
Talking and getting to know the students is key. Encourage conversations where they feel comfortable talking about potential concerns and warnings. Early detection is vital.
Lisa, how do you work social media into the student experience? Is it curriculum related or more of an attempt to get them involved with the school in general?
Students often like to be engaged by creative outlets such as vidoe's, blogs, social networking offering such communication outlets allows students to feel like apart of the school and a group
There is no question that early intervention is key to preventing problems from becoming insurmountable. Obviously, getting the student to connect with someone is the challenge.
Do you have specific techniques that have been successful in making that connection?
It starts at the ground floor to your students. Let them know often that you care and what to see them success. Offer that support and tell them you the sooner they know of a concern to come talk to you about it. Early response to slashes in a pond can save them from the tidal wave knocking them off their feet.
This sounds like a major issue that requires action. I would suggest starting by defining the roles and expectations of the players and then identifying the resources that are available. From there you can develop a plan to implement additional resources.
What role can you play in getting things started, Lori?