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we all have to provide access and information to our students to help them succeed

I believe all in the educational, administrative and management departments are all equally responsible for attrition. All must collaborate with each other to reduce preventable attrition

I agree with you both 100%. It is important to provide our students with a list of all resources available to them when they first walk through the door. I think that this helps to ease stress and possible outside stressors as well.


i feel tht his was very helpful  I like the book suggestion and after purchase. I started using it in my staff meetings.

I feel that this course was very helpfull.  Great ideas and everyone has to work together or it will not work.

Without essential knowledge to complete a task, an student will most likely perform poorly


I think that all parts of a business are equally important, and that when one sector is failing it hurts others. One of the most important is how we treat students, and what resources are available to them to make their lives easier but accomodating.

I think that if we give them all they need to succeed, most of them will be successful.

It takes everyone on the campus working together for a common goal . It's not just up to education department to keep students in school.

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