Sounds great! Really like that you inclue demonstrations and, of course, goodies :)
This sounds great. Could you tell me a little more about it? Are these for prospective students only? Do they get to sit in on an actual class or are they open forums only?
Representatives from all departments attend orientation.Each department introduces themselves and gives a short overview of what they have to offer and where to go to find them.
Everything starts with admissions representatives, then students make a tour in the facilities, see the kitchens, active students and Chefs. They get really exited when they can see this.
We have a group of instructors and students that are ambassadors that participate in this orientation sessions.
Student ambassadors should give a tour of the campus. A lot of students get lost at the beginning. Involving student ambassadors give beginning student a sense of belonging.
Finalcial aid and career services (job placement). I think that having these 2 departments during the orientation process, will help the new student body to clear any doubts about payments, loans to take, etc.In some cases could be a frightening topic for some of the students. Career services (job placement)will give to the students a positive view of the next step after finishing school.
The Team instructor should have a good introduction to the student have an idea who are the most personnel that they will spend their time during this journey.
Is it important that they includes all of the key personnel, to go to.
If the need help in any of the problem/question come arise during their journey.
The education department and the career services office are all involved in orientation. Several of the faculty members are involved in each new student orientation; they are available to answer any questions the students may have and to help establish the student’s comfort level. The Career Services Department is involved with the students from before their first day of school. As a career college, our student’s ability to turn the skills and knowledge acquired at our school into employment success is a primary concern for the students and the school alike, so Career Services is involved from before orientation and throughout their time at school.
This sounds great! Keeping Career Services involved from start to finish also keeps the end goal (a job) in site.
In our university departments that do the work of entering students is the academic and admissions, this is because while the information is handled in a clear, precise and accurate for our prospects, we may give a better service our aspiring students.
Sometimes we need to involve people in the Dean's office, but it is not usual. We also use external information, such as the Financial Aid office or department of education so that students can visually feel the information that is offered is 100% real.
We Le Cordon Bleu have a great sistem were we all pich in on orientation from admission to faculty.
Indeed, student ambassadors present at orientation would definitely help to ease the tension of a new beginning. Students are able to see a tangible picture of where they are going, and are able to develop helpful associations with other students at the outset. It would also be helpful to organize a "mingle" of sorts, where students are able to interact and speak with current students in a social atmosphere.
Using external sources, as you do with the financial aid information, is an excellent way to add credibility.
Its not just admissions department who is involved in the orientatino proccess,other departments also came together as a team.The other daparments that are involved are finacial aid, carrer services,library,advisers,and administrators such as the dean.
It is truely a team effort that is used to welcome and introduce students to the college.
At our college, the career services team as well as the student ambassadors play a major role in the orientation process. We have found that these two teams bring a nice balance to the event because it points new students to other students going through the process, or who have gone through the process, as well as the people who will point the students to the reason why they are there in the first place, their future careers!
On orientation days, while the students are in their orientation, our school has an open house for family and friends. We will have demos and discussions for family and friends. We also rotate our faculty around to help in different areas of the orientation. With the faculty there we can interact with the in-coming students. We ask them questions, ease fears and get them excited about coming to our school.
I think a lot of departments should be involved in orientation. The faculty, the IT department and if possible, someone from the financial aid department. By doing this. We are able to incorporate everyone throughout the facility and the students will also learn who they need to interact with if there any ongoing problems.
I think all departments have to be involve in Orientation. We also should include the ambassadors, they will be a great example for the nuw students
Every department is present at the orientation. Student Services actually leads the orientation--not admissions. Each department head (as well as the campus president) talks with the student, reinforcing their own and their department's support of every student on campus.
Academics will spend a little more time reviewing key points in the catalog and students meet by program with their program director.
Faculty and Students counseling