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Making the faculty seem less scary

I really like to use humor as the big ice breaker during orientation and on the first day of class. Also since most of the faculty has been together for 5 years or more, we make it a part to share that as it shows a united front for the success of our students.

Most of my faculty are graduates from our program that have spent several years in the field and returned to teaching. The new students can immediately relate to them as having been where they are now. The students also continue to relate throughout the program, as they enter the job market, and often beyond that.


How wonderful that you have so many of your alumni come back!

Susan Backofen

We hold lots of events that make out staff the "butt" of the jokes..dressing up, having food eating contests, pie in the face, etc...

This helps put the staff on the same playing field as the students OUTSIDE of the classroom. None of our instructors are allowed to be "friends" on FB with the students so this gives them a way to meet them on their level.

Humor not only helps ease the tension for a nervous student, but it shows them that there is a side to the instructor that can be related to.

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