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Student Peers as Support

I advise my students to make friends with another student peer on the first day of class. I encourage them to exchange phone numbers and email. This way, when one of them doesn't show up to class, they are more likely to ask their student peer about what was missed.


So true! And asking a peer is less intimidating for them than asking the instructor.

Susan Backofen

I think this is a great idea.I plan to incorporate it into my first day of class next term. This activity can help alleviate some of the stress that may accompany a student that would not normally reach out to someone in a classroom setting.

Absolutely. it is good to encourge students to have study buddies to not just study together but to encourage and challenge each other. if one misses a day, the other can take notes and help the other catch up. a student feels more comfortable and confident when there is someone else there.

Yes, I agree this works. They will ask questions to their peers until they feel comfortable with the instructor. They feel better when the students tell them about the instructor reinforcing what is expected in class.

I feel like this is very important for so many of us. We all need support and it's always interesting to see the dynamics amongst students. This activity not only alleviates stress that may accompany a student, but students learn to depend on each other!

I agree with you. It's nice to see smiles during this process. They seem to have a "that wasn't so hard" attitude afterward. Some of my graduates still maintain their relationships.

I definitely agree. I encourage my students to share phone numbers. I've seen this as an effective tool of communication between students (reason for being absent or tardy, homework missed, or doing group assignment). At the same time, they have a feeling of belongingness.



It is always fun to hear from graduates after they leave. It can be very humbling to hear the impact we have had on their lives. You just never know how much the little things can mean to people.

Susan Backofen

I concur. Students are reminded that they are in this together. Forming an alliance early in the course fosters an atmosphere of team work, togetherness and peer support. Study gorups are strongly encoraged.

We do that as well. In addition, we have them form study groups so they get used to working in groups. Some of them are uncomfortable at first, but they come along. We have them work in those groups in class to begin with, so they can see how support another student can actually provide.

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