Fun activities
Bringing in fun activities for students may make them feel more comfortable such as bring a treat day.
I agree with fun activities in the classroom,it breaks up the boredom and we need to realize that a lot of our students are hands on students wether it is a game on med term or playing jeopardy in math it involves the students in group dynamics.
I agree as long as they are for the students and not the instructors. Too often, the instructor try to be their friend and develop activities that enhance their likability versus something that is actually educational.
I agree you have to remember the student is there to learn. There is a time for games and to know when to stop the games and press on with learning. As time goes by the repour will develop.
I also love to build crossword puzzles!!
This is an excellent point that you make--too often, the instructor tries to befriend the students and is more interested in likability than anything else. That was a big factor with me initially. I wanted my students to like me. But as we learn in life, you can never please everybody in everything. Our job is not to befriend our students, but yet in still, a fun, lively classroom atmosphere fosters learning as well as retention. Students will want to show up at your class because it's fun and because they're learning something.
fun activities are nice but hold firm to the reason they are here.
Fun is essential. I like to have the students assigned to teams and have them decide on a team name and a team cheer. If they win a point in the activity, I add a point under their team name, and the team shows off their team cheer - warning - can get noisy!
I always HATE those seemingly dumb ice breaker activities, but after they start they are ok. I am very shy and self conscious and need to be pushed. After the push I am fine.
I understand what your saying. I use to be that way. After I saw the differences with the students interactions, I have to do it. I think it also depends on what kind of ice breakers you are doing.
A fun lively atmosphere can foster learning and like so many students they will like to come to class to see what will happen next. I always include challenges in a fun way that will include student/teacher interaction. Once again if the student/teacher relationship is kept on a professional level from the start, just a little laugh with them shouldn't harm our credibility.
One activity I have done a few times now is a trivia review session with prizes. This works well because it encourages small group work and discussion, provides study group mentality, and also has a fun aspect to it since there is competition and prizes. I think "fun" activities are most successful when they are also useful for creating classroom relationships and learning.
This sounds like a great idea!
Susan Backofen