First Day
When I first started teaching, I figured I was supposed to do what my college professors always did on the first day: hand out the syllabus and send them home. Then I remembered that I often skipped the first day of school in college, because I figured I could pick up the syllabus on the second day. Since I don't want students skipping my class, I am always careful to plan relaxed but beneficial activities on the first day.
The first day is so important. You set the expectations for students and yourself to move tward sucess for all.
I agree, setting expectations on the first day is very important. Students want to know their I give them a handout which explains what the classroom rules are...The handout covers being on time, what to do if you are not, what to wear, NO CELL PHONES, attitude, etc. So far, I have not had any major problems in my classes. I tell the students that I am there to help them get through the course, but they will need to do their part.
As an new instructor, I never really thought about first day attendance, figured that students were paying to learn and they would want to be here, if they were not there, they would have a good reason. This class has helped me see the importance of retention and attendance and how it relates to a much larger picture.
It is always good to let the students introduce themself the first day of class, in my experience students are focused on knowing what is arround them.
This almost mirrors how I handle the first day. Introductions, syllabus, expectations, rules, tour of the kitchen & explain equipment. Home work reading assigmments. This works very well.
Doing a some follow-up reading, I find these 2 aspects key to the first day and everyday of teaching. 1) Be passionate about what you're teaching. Wide eyes, a grin and barely suppressed enthusiasm does wonders for a student. Even if they're not interested in your subject, your manner would amuse them. Most of all, because you are adamantly expressing your love for a subject, they will tend to mark you as a genuine person.
2) Be energetic. Enthusiasm is contagious. It is also a lot harder for kids to fall asleep in class if the teacher is bouncing off the walls (not that I am recommending bouncing off the walls). Make sure you have the energy to market your subject and yourself well.
Its important to go over the syllabus with students and have them sign they receive it so if they say its not fair they know they signed i give a syllabus quiz now which has helped
This can have a Lasting effect on students,and set The format for learning and how well you represent yourself will determine sometimes The eagerness of student attendance.
Yes,first day is very important... You let the students know your expecations and what they can expect from you as a leader.