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First week

The first week goes in many directions for every student. some feel at home and have been waiting for this day for a long time. Some are intimidated by the fact theuy may have to learn how to learn again, this may be overwhelming and scary. the job of the instructor and support staff is to get these students to warm up to the fact that they are doing this for themselves and the material will light that spark that needs to create the fire that they will carry into there carreer of choice.

I use a question form and have each student interview another to gain insight about each other. I have them introduce the student they have interviewed and share with the rest of the class their information. Prior to the students interviewing each other, I answer all the questions using me as the example to break the ice. I keep these forms to gain more knowledge and insight about my students.

First of all I welcome my students.I introduce myself tell them about my experience and background.I ask them to introduce themself.
We discuss syllabus.And from the first days I try to establish rules the have to follow

I agree, the first week should be focused on introductions and letting the students know they are welcome and learning is the object.

I find the first week to be an exciting way to engage with the students. This means getting to know each student and the class as a group. What made them choose the career they are in. Let them know how rewarding it can be.

During the first week I like to go over the syllabus give the student a calendar of events which shows when everything is due for the course and help them focus on time management and getting their schedule together.

I as well have each student introduce themselves to the class and ask "why did you choose this profession." It is amazing what you can find out on each student and their goals.

That is a great idea. I play ice breakers to learn some interest of my students. I also give a handout that describes the different types of learners and a short survey with it so they can see where they stand. With some sort of idea how they learn the student can interact better with instruction and hands on participation.

During the first week I like to teach some easy to follow foundation material to new students. This material is so important that it bears repeating for older students. When they see they were able to catch on to this info i think it re- enforces the confidence of the students.

Yes I agree with you Mr. Jensen. I like to ask students in the beginning of the course to tell me about themself... their name, their program, and why they decided to attend our institute.

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